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. 2009 Aug 7;15(3):255–263. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-5949.2009.00100.x

Table 2.

The CAPS, emotion regulation scale, orthostatic panic severity, orthostasis‐associated flashbacks, orthostasis‐associated catastrophic cognitions, and physiological change score as a function of treatment and time of assessment (N = 24)

First assessment M (SD) Second assessment M (SD) Third assessment M (SD) Between‐group effect size, based on second assessment, Cohen's d
 Immediate treatment 75.41 (13.47) 46.83 (17.17) 44.75 (14.85) 1.98
 Delayed treatment 77.25 (11.47) 74.25 (9.43)* 45.83 (8.45)
Emotion regulation scale
 Immediate treatment 0.9 (0.6) 2.5 (0.40) 2.7 (0.60) 2.53
 Delayed treatment 0.8 (0.5) 0.9 (0.80) 2.4 (0.50)
 Immediate treatment 8.04 (2.40) 2.25 (2.05) 2.41 (1.98) 2.84
 Delayed treatment 7.71 (1.47) 7.25 (1.42)* 1.67 (2.14)
 Immediate treatment 9.08 (4.33) 3.50 (3.29) 1.83 (2.37) 1.18
 Delayed treatment 8.25 (4.50) 7.75 (3.93)* 1.58 (2.02)
 Immediate treatment 2.98 (0.65) 1.71 (0.64) 1.87 (0.49) 2.79
 Delayed treatment 3.24 (0.34) 3.12 (0.32)* 1.79 (0.42)
Systolic BP Δ score
 Immediate treatment −17.01 (8.41) −7.42 (4.87) −7.16 (5.13) 1.31
 Delayed treatment −16.33 (7.30) −15.50 (7.18)* −7.50 (5.47)
Diastolic BP Δ score
 Immediate treatment −6.00 (6.98) −3.83 (3.15) −4.00 (4.35) 0.30
 Delayed treatment −4.33 (3.39) −5.01 (4.35) −3.25 (3.27)
Heart rate Δ score
 Immediate treatment 7.17 (3.61) 6.62 (2.82) 7.25 (3.91) 0.10
 Delayed treatment 8.75 (3.96) 7.91 (3.07) 7.58 (3.42)

Note. N = 24; CAPS = clinician‐administered PTSD severity scale; O‐PASS = orthostatic‐PA severity scale; O‐FSS = orthostatic‐PA flashback severity scale; O‐CCSS = orthostatic‐PA catastrophic cognitions scale. Systolic BP Δ change score = the SBP change score, which was calculated by subtracting the post‐orthostasis SBP nadir from the sitting value; diastolic BP Δ score = the DBP change score, utilizing the DBP value at the SBP nadir; HR Δ score = the HR change score, utilizing the HR value at the SBP nadir.

*P < 01, in respect to the difference between the two groups at that time point.