Item Number |
Item |
1 |
For the outcome of interest, was the performance among patients at baseline similar among patients who entered the study as compared to patients who completed the study to the timepoint of interest? (For the same study, answer may vary by outcome. If attrition is less than 15% for this outcome, we answer 'yes' even if characteristics were not compared) |
2 |
For all other important factors, were the characteristics of patients at baseline similar among patients who entered the study as compared to patients who competed the study to the timepoint of interest? (If attrition was less than 15% for the entire study, we answer 'yes' even if characteristics were not compared.) |
3 |
Did the study enroll all, a consecutive series of, or a randomized sample of suitable patients within a time period? |
4 |
Was the study prospectively planned? (Although redundant with inclusion criteria, this factor remains important for the assessment of bias and influences the internal validity category) |
5 |
Did 5% or less of patients receive ancillary treatment(s) |
6 |
Was compliance with treatment at least 85%? |
7 |
Was the outcome measure of interest objective and was it objectively measured? (For the same study, answer may vary by outcome) |
8 |
Was a standard instrument used to measure the outcome? (For the same study, answer may vary by outcome. Although redundant with inclusion criteria, this factor remains important for the assessment of bias and influences the internal validity category) |
9 |
Did at least 85% of patients contribute data to this outcome? (For the same study, answer may vary by outcome and timepoint) |
10 |
Was the funding for this study derived from a source that would not benefit financially from particular results? |