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. 2018 Apr 18;2018(4):CD004363. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004363.pub3
# Searches Results
1 exp Antidepressant Agent/ 401718
2 Neurotransmitter Uptake Inhibitors/ 155
3 exp Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor/ 45668
4 (antidepress* or anti depress* or MAOI* or RIMA* or monoamine oxidase inhibit* or ((serotonin or norepinephrine or noradrenaline or nor epinephrine or nor adrenaline or neurotransmitt* or dopamine*) and (uptake or reuptake or "re‐uptake")) or noradrenerg* or antiadrenergic or anti adrenergic or SSRI* or SNRI* or NARI* or SARI* NDRI* or TCA* or tricyclic* or tetracyclic* or heterocyclic* or psychotropic*).mp. 319952
5 Psychopharmacology/ 26480
6 Psychotropic Agent/ 27346
7 Serotonin Receptor Affecting Agent/ or Serotonin Uptake Inhibitor/ or Serotonin Noradrenalin Reuptake Inhibitor/ or Triple Reuptake inhibitor/ 46515
8 Dopamine Receptor Affecting Agent/ or Dopamine Uptake Inhibitor/ 1482
9 Adrenergic Receptor Affecting Agent/ or Noradrenalin Uptake Inhibitor/ 3576
10 (Agomelatine or Alaproclate or Amoxapine or Amineptine or Amitriptylin* or Amitriptylinoxide or Atomoxetine or Befloxatone or Benactyzine or Binospirone or Brofaromine or Bupropion or Amfebutamone or Butriptyline or Caroxazone or Cianopramine or Cilobamine or Cimoxatone or Citalopram or Chlorimipramin* or Clomipramin* or Chlomipramin* or Clomipramine or Clorgyline or Clovoxamine or CX157 or Tyrima or Demexiptiline or Deprenyl or Desipramine* or Pertofrane or Desvenlafaxine or Dibenzepin or Diclofensine or Dimetacrin* or Dosulepin or Dothiepin or Doxepin or Duloxetine or Desvenlafaxine or DVS‐233 or Escitalopram or Esmirtazapine or Etoperidone or Femoxetine or Fluotracen or Fluoxetine or Fluvoxamine or Hyperforin or Hypericum or "St John*" or Imipramin* or Iprindole or Iproniazid* or Ipsapirone or Isocarboxazid* or Levomilnacipran or Lofepramine* or "Lu AA21004" or Vortioxetine or "Lu AA24530" or "LY2216684" or Edivoxetine or Maprotiline or Melitracen or Metapramine or Mianserin or Milnacipran or Minaprine or Mirtazapine or Moclobemide or Nefazodone or Nialamide or Nitroxazepine or Nomifensine or Norfenfluramine or Nortriptylin* or Noxiptilin* or Opipramol or Oxaflozane or Paroxetine or Phenelzine or Pheniprazine or Pipofezine or Pirlindole or Pivagabine or Pizotyline or Propizepine or Protriptylin* or Quinupramine or Reboxetine or Rolipram or Scopolamine or Selegiline or Sertraline or Setiptiline or Teciptiline or Thozalinone or Tianeptin* or Toloxatone or Tranylcypromin* or Trazodone or Trimipramine or Venlafaxine or Viloxazine or Vilazodone or Viqualine or Zalospirone).ti,ab,kw. 100164
11 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 572354
12 postnatal depression/ 644
13 ((postpartum or post partum or postnatal or post natal or puerper*) adj3 (depress* or dysthymi* or "adjustment disorder*" or "mood disorder*" or "affective disorder*" or "affective symptom*")).ti,ab,kw. 7804
14 12 or 13 8082
15 randomized controlled 486416
16 76792
17 318178
18 placebo?.ti,ab. 266278
19 (randomized or randomised).ti,ab. 725053
20 double blind procedure/ 146068
21 (RCT or "at random" or (random* adj3 (administ* or allocat* or assign* or class* or control* or determine* or divide* or division or distribut* or expose* or fashion or number* or place* or recruit* or subsitut* or treat*))).ti,ab,kw. 586635
22 trial.ti. 241798
23 ((singl* or doubl* or tripl* or trebl*) adj3 (blind* or mask* or dummy)).ti,ab. 211307
24 (control* adj3 (trial or study or group*)).ti,ab. 954393
25 (group* adj3 (allocat* or assign* or control* or divide* or division or distribut* or treat*)).ti,ab. 1039132
26 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 or 20 or 21 or 22 or 23 or 24 or 25 2251280
27 11 and 14 and 26 260
28 (2016* or 2017* or 2018*).yr,dc. 3762342
29 27 and 28 50