Affect lability |
Sahin 2014 |
Moodiness |
10/30 |
Wigal 2013 |
Affect lability |
12/44 |
Aggression |
Barrickman 1995 |
Anger |
1/15 |
Berek 2011 |
Aggressive reaction |
13/762 |
Davari‐Ashtiani 2010 |
Aggression |
1/16 |
Dittmann 2014 |
Aggression |
0/195 |
Döpfner 2011a, OBSEER |
Aggression |
31/777 |
Döpfner 2011b |
Aggression |
2/113 |
Haertling 2015 |
Aggression |
3/239 |
Kemner 2005 (FOCUS) |
Aggression |
10/850 |
Kordon 2011 |
Aggression |
10/541 |
Lee 2014 |
Aggression |
7/100 |
Mayes 1994 |
Aggression |
1/69 |
Na 2013 |
Anger |
6/103 |
Remschmidt 2005 |
Aggression |
1/105 |
Wilens 2005 |
Hostility |
8/407 |
Anorexia |
Arabgol 2015 |
Anorexia |
8/15 |
Arnold 2004 |
Anorexia |
16/76 |
Arnold 2010 |
Anorexia |
6/150 |
Berek 2011 |
Anorexia |
35/762 |
Cortese 2015 |
Anorexia |
9/1426 |
Döpfner 2011a, OBSEER |
Anorexia |
9/777 |
Döpfner 2011b |
Anorexia |
0/113 |
Gerwe 2009 |
Anorexia |
20/263 |
Greenhill 1983 |
Anorexia |
5/7 |
Haertling 2015 |
Anorexia |
11/239 |
Khajehpiri 2014 |
Anorexia |
45/71 |
Kordon 2011 |
Anorexia |
23/541 |
Kratochvil 2002 |
Anorexia |
6/25 |
Lee 2007 |
Anorexia |
29/110 |
Na 2013 |
Anorexia |
66/103 |
Song 2012 |
Anorexia |
104/116 |
Wang 2007 |
Anorexia |
42/166 |
Warshaw 2010 |
Anorexia |
9/260 |
Weiss 2007 |
Anorexia |
16/79 |
Wilens 2006 |
Anorexia |
22/220 |
Yildiz 2011 |
Anorexia |
9/11 |
Zelnik 2015 |
Anorexia |
36/128 |
Çetin 2015 |
Anorexia |
12/61 |
Anxiety |
Abbasi 2011 |
Anxiety |
9/20 |
Akhondzadeh 2003 |
Anxiety |
3/10 |
Akhondzadeh 2004 |
Anxiety |
3/20 |
Amiri 2008 |
Anxiety, nervousness |
4/27 |
Barrickman 1995 |
Anxiety |
1/15 |
Blader 2010 |
Anxiety or nervousness |
12/65 |
Davari‐Ashtiani 2010 |
Phobia & anxiety |
2/16 |
Efron 1997 |
Anxiousness |
76/123 |
El‐Fiky 2014 |
Anxious |
2/31 |
Gau 2006 |
Anxious |
10/32 |
Ghanizadeh 2012 |
Anxiety |
1/12 |
Green 2011 |
Anxiousness |
4/14 |
Hammerness 2009 |
Anxiety |
2/57 |
Hazell 2003 |
Anxious |
6/10 |
Jafarinia 2012 |
Anxiety |
5/20 |
Maia 2008 |
Anxious |
12/31 |
Mohammadi 2004 |
Anxiety |
0/11 |
Mohammadi 2010 |
Anxiety |
9/19 |
Na 2013 |
Anxiety |
9/103 |
Song 2012 |
Anxiety |
12/116 |
Wilens 2005 |
Anxiety |
9/407 |
Zelnik 2015 |
Anxiety |
21/128 |
Fingernail biting |
Blader 2010 |
Bites fingernails |
9/65 |
Efron 1997 |
Biting fingernails |
56/123 |
El‐Fiky 2014 |
Bites fingers |
0/31 |
Gau 2006 |
Biting fingernails |
8/32 |
Green 2011 |
Biting fingernails |
3/14 |
Hazell 2003 |
Biting fingernails |
2/10 |
Maia 2008 |
Bites fingernails |
3/31 |
Sahin 2014 |
Nail biting |
3/30 |
Shang 2015 |
Nail biting |
1/66 |
Daydreams |
Efron 1997 |
Daydreams |
77/123 |
Gau 2006 |
Daydreams |
10/32 |
Green 2011 |
Daydreams |
3/14 |
Sahin 2014 |
Daydreams |
7/30 |
Difficulty falling asleep |
Akhondzadeh 2003 |
Difficulty falling asleep |
4/10 |
Akhondzadeh 2004 |
Difficulty falling asleep |
6/20 |
Altin 2013 |
Insomnia |
5/71 |
Amiri 2008 |
Difficulty falling asleep |
8/30 |
Ardic 2014 |
Insomnia |
19/101 |
Arnold 2004 |
Insomnia |
16/76 |
Arnold 2010 |
Insomnia |
9/171 |
Atzori 2009 |
Insomnia |
3/129 |
Barrickman 1995 |
Insomnia |
1/15 |
Berek 2011 |
Insomnia |
59/762 |
Blader 2010 |
Insomnia |
21/65 |
Chou 2012b |
Insomnia |
25/230 |
Cortese 2015 |
Insomnia |
31/1426 |
Coşkun 2010 |
Sleep problems |
4/7 |
Davari‐Ashtiani 2010 |
Sleep problems |
7/16 |
Döpfner 2011a, OBSEER |
Initial insomnia |
11/777 |
Döpfner 2011b |
Initial insomnia |
3/113 |
Efron 1997 |
Trouble sleeping |
79/123 |
El‐Fiky 2014 |
Insomnia |
2/31 |
Famularo 1987 |
Later sleep onset |
1/10 |
Garg 2014 |
Insomnia |
1/27 |
Gau 2006 |
Insomnia or trouble sleeping |
15/32 |
Germinario 2013 |
Insomnia |
1/9 |
Gerwe 2009 |
Difficulty falling asleep |
73/263 |
Grcevich 2001 |
Sleep problems |
7/75 |
Green 2011 |
Trouble sleeping |
7/34 |
Greenhill 1983 |
Insomnia |
2/7 |
Gucuyener 2003 |
Difficulty falling asleep |
19/119 |
Haertling 2015 |
Insomnia |
3/239 |
Hazell 2003 |
Sleep problems |
7/10 |
Işeri 2007 |
Sleep problems |
5/20 |
Jafarinia 2012 |
Insomnia |
10/20 |
Jensen 1999 (MTA) |
Insomnia |
12/245 |
Johnson 2013 |
Insomnia (new onset) |
12/45 |
Jung 2007 |
Insomnia |
16/83 |
Kemner 2005 (FOCUS) |
Insomnia |
53/850 |
Khajehpiri 2014 |
Insomnia |
44/71 |
Kim 2010 |
Insomnia |
6/24 |
Kordon 2011 |
Insomnia |
46/541 |
Kratochvil 2002 |
Insomnia |
7/25 |
Lee 2007 |
Insomnia |
24110 |
Li 2011 |
Difficulty falling asleep |
9/34 |
Maayan 2009 |
Trouble sleeping |
3/8 |
Maia 2008 |
Insomnia |
5/31 |
Mayes 1994 |
Insomnia |
9/63 |
McCracken 2016 |
Insomnia |
20/61 |
Miller‐Horn 2008 |
Insomnia |
2/23 |
Mohammadi 2004 |
Difficulty falling asleep |
4/11 |
Mohammadi 2010 |
Trouble sleeping |
9/19 |
Mohammadi 2012a |
Difficulty falling asleep |
8/23 |
Mohammadi 2012b |
Insomnia |
9/20 |
Montañés‐Rada 2012 |
Insomnia |
5/40 |
Na 2013 |
Trouble sleeping |
37/103 |
Peyre 2012a |
Insomnia |
21/121 |
Remschmidt 2005 |
Insomnia |
3/89 |
Sahin 2014 |
Difficulty falling asleep |
16/30 |
Sangal 2006 |
Insomnia |
21/79 |
Shang 2015 |
Insomnia |
12/66 |
Song 2012 |
Insomnia |
44/116 |
Steele 2006 |
Insomnia |
12/60 |
Su 2015 |
Insomnia |
20/205 |
Tasdelen 2015 |
Insomnia |
1/17 |
Thorell 2009 |
Difficulties falling asleep |
15/79 |
Tomás Vila 2010b |
Difficulty falling asleep |
45/114 |
Valdizán Usón 2004 |
Initial insomnia |
11/155 |
Wang 2007 |
Insomnia |
9/166 |
Warshaw 2010 |
Difficulty falling asleep |
25/260 |
Weiss 2007 |
Insomnia |
13/79 |
Wigal 2013 |
Insomnia |
9/39 |
Wigal 2015 |
Insomnia |
24/200 |
Wilens 2005 |
Insomnia |
81/229 |
Wilens 2006 |
Insomnia |
16/220 |
Wilens 2008 |
Insomnia |
25/127 |
Yatsuga 2014 |
Insomnia |
4/50 |
Yildiz 2010 |
Difficulty sleeping |
15/47 |
Yildiz 2011 |
Insomnia |
7/11 |
Zarinara 2010 |
Insomnia |
10/18 |
Zelnik 2015 |
Insomnia |
31/128 |
Zeni 2007 |
Insomnia |
21/106 |
Zheng 2011 |
Insomnia |
145/1154 |
Zheng 2015 |
Insomnia |
3/123 |
Çetin 2015 |
Insomnia |
5/61 |
Depression |
Atzori 2009 |
Vegetative symptoms |
4/134 |
Cherland 1999 |
Mood symptoms or mood‐congruent psychotic symptoms |
11/98 |
Döpfner 2011a, OBSEER |
Depressed mood |
13/777 |
Grcevich 2001 |
Depression |
1/75 |
Haertling 2015 |
Depression |
1/262 |
Kratochvil 2002 |
Depression |
2/25 |
Na 2013 |
Depression |
9/103 |
Song 2012 |
Depression |
5/116 |
Valdizán Usón 2013 |
Depressive symptoms |
7/689 |
Weiss 2007 |
Depression |
5/79 |
Wilens 2005 |
Depression |
6/407 |
Yildiz 2010 |
Depressive symptoms |
4/47 |
Yildiz 2011 |
Depression |
3/11 |
Disturbed sleep |
Abbas 2006 |
Sleeping problems |
4/90 |
Abbasi 2011 |
Trouble sleeping |
10/20 |
Arabgol 2015 |
Disturbed sleep |
4/15 |
Arnold 2010 |
Insomnia |
9/150 |
Blader 2010 |
Early waking |
6/65 |
Efron 1997 |
Trouble sleeping |
79/123 |
Findling 2009 |
Insomnia |
29/157 |
Galland 2010 |
Restless sleep |
14/27 |
Gau 2008 |
Poor sleep quality |
37/607 |
Haertling 2015 |
Sleep disorder |
1/239 |
Hammerness 2009 |
Insomnia |
7/57 |
Hazell 2003 |
Nightmares |
8/10 |
Işeri 2007 |
Sleep problems |
5/20 |
Kim 2010 |
Insomnia |
6/27 |
Kim 2011 |
Poor sleep |
8/97 |
Mohammadi 2004 |
Disturbed sleep |
4/11 |
Montañés‐Rada 2012 |
Insomnia |
5/40 |
Perera 2010 |
Poor sleep |
13/102 |
Remschmidt 2005 |
Delayed sleep |
1/105 |
Steele 2006 |
Sleep disorder |
3/60 |
Su 2015 |
Poor quality sleep |
1/205 |
Valdizán Usón 2013 |
Sleep disorder |
33/689 |
Yildiz 2011 |
Insomnia |
7/11 |
Zheng 2015 |
Poor sleep quality |
3/149 |
Dizziness |
Abbasi 2011 |
Dizziness |
8/20 |
Blader 2010 |
Dizzy |
1/65 |
Chou 2012b |
Dizziness |
9/230 |
Cortese 2015 |
Dizziness |
5/1426 |
Davari‐Ashtiani 2010 |
Dizziness |
0/16 |
Döpfner 2011b |
Dizziness |
1/113 |
Efron 1997 |
Dizziness |
15/123 |
El‐Fiky 2014 |
Dizziness |
0/31 |
Green 2011 |
Dizziness |
3/14 |
Haertling 2015 |
Dizziness |
1/239 |
Hammerness 2009 |
Dizziness |
4/57 |
Hazell 2003 |
Dizziness |
7/9 |
Jafarinia 2012 |
Dizziness |
1/20 |
Kemner 2005 (FOCUS) |
Dizziness |
7/850 |
Kim 2010 |
Dizziness |
2/27 |
Lee 2007 |
Dizziness |
5/110 |
Li 2011 |
Dizziness |
4/34 |
Maia 2008 |
Dizziness |
3/39 |
McCracken 2016 |
Dizziness |
6/61 |
Mohammadi 2004 |
Dizziness |
2/11 |
Mohammadi 2012b |
Dizziness |
2/20 |
Na 2013 |
Dizziness |
11/103 |
Pierce 2010 |
Dizziness |
2/71 |
Sahin 2014 |
Dizziness |
6/30 |
Shang 2015 |
Dizziness |
1/66 |
Song 2012 |
Dizziness |
15/116 |
Wang 2007 |
Dizziness |
12/166 |
Wilens 2005 |
Dizziness |
7/407 |
Yildiz 2010 |
Dizziness |
2/47 |
Drowsiness |
Barrickman 1995 |
Drowsiness |
1/15 |
Efron 1997 |
Drowsiness |
22/123 |
El‐Fiky 2014 |
Drowsiness |
2/31 |
Garg 2014 |
Drowsiness |
1/27 |
Gau 2006 |
Drowsiness |
6/32 |
Germinario 2013 |
Drowsiness |
1/9 |
Ghanizadeh 2012 |
Drowsiness |
2/12 |
Green 2011 |
Drowsiness |
2/14 |
Hazell 2003 |
Drowsiness |
7/10 |
Kratochvil 2002 |
Somnolens |
0/40 |
Lyon 2010 |
Drowsiness |
2/10 |
Maia 2008 |
Drowsiness |
1/39 |
Sahin 2014 |
Drowsiness |
8/30 |
Song 2012 |
Somnolence |
6/116 |
Wilens 2005 |
Somnolence |
10/407 |
Wilens 2006 |
Somnolence |
3/220 |
Yildiz 2011 |
Somnolence |
1/11 |
Dysthymia |
Haertling 2015 |
Dysphemia |
1/239 |
Mohammadi 2004 |
Dysphemia |
0/16 |
Emotional lability |
Ardic 2014 |
Emotional change |
22/101 |
Davari‐Ashtiani 2010 |
Emotional lability |
0/16 |
Findling 2009 |
Emotional lability |
5/157 |
Hammerness 2009 |
Moody |
2/57 |
Kemner 2005 (FOCUS) |
Emotional disturbance |
5/850 |
Kordon 2011 |
Emotional lability |
8/598 |
Kratochvil 2002 |
Emotional lability |
2/25 |
Maayan 2009 |
Emotional lability |
2/8 |
McCracken 2016 |
Affect lability |
14/61 |
Silva 2004 |
Emotional lability |
4/22 |
Steele 2006 |
Emotional lability |
9/60 |
Warshaw 2010 |
Affect lability |
18/260 |
Weiss 2007 |
Emotional lability |
3/79 |
Wigal 2013 |
Affect lability |
10/39 |
Wilens 2005 |
Emotional lability |
1/229 |
Yildiz 2010 |
Emotional lability |
12/47 |
Euphoria/hypomania |
Blader 2010 |
Unusually happy |
12/65 |
El‐Fiky 2014 |
Euphoria |
0/31 |
Gau 2006 |
Euphoric |
3/32 |
Grcevich 2001 |
Agitation |
2/75 |
Green 2011 |
Unusually happy |
0/14 |
Kim 2010 |
Euphoria |
1/27 |
Maia 2008 |
Euphoric |
2/39 |
Mohammadi 2004 |
Euphoria or hypomania |
0/16 |
Sahin 2014 |
Ecstasy |
8/30 |
Asthenia and fatigue |
Abbasi 2011 |
Fatigue |
13/20 |
Arnold 2004 |
Asthenia |
7/76 |
Blader 2010 |
Tired + low energy |
4/65 |
Davari‐Ashtiani 2010 |
Tiredness |
0/16 |
Dittmann 2014 |
Fatigue |
0/195 |
Döpfner 2011b |
Fatigue |
0/113 |
Galland 2010 |
Daytime sleepiness |
2/27 |
Garg 2014 |
Fatigue |
2/27 |
Haertling 2015 |
Asthenia |
1/239 |
Kemner 2005 (FOCUS) |
Fatigue |
3/850 |
Lee 2007 |
Fatigue |
5/110 |
McCracken 2016 |
Fatigue |
5/61 |
Mohammadi 2010 |
Fatigue |
4/19 |
Na 2013 |
Fatigue |
13/103 |
Pierce 2010 |
Fatigue |
3/71 |
Sangal 2006 |
Fatigue |
3/79 |
Steele 2006 |
Fatigue |
7/60 |
Wang 2007 |
Fatigue |
5/166 |
Wigal 2015 |
Fatigue |
10/200 |
Headache |
Abbas 2006 |
Headache |
2/90 |
Abbasi 2011 |
Headache |
12/20 |
Akhondzadeh 2003 |
Headache |
6/10 |
Akhondzadeh 2004 |
Headache |
9/20 |
Altin 2013 |
Headache |
3/25 |
Amiri 2008 |
Headache |
7/27 |
Ardic 2014 |
Headache |
16/101 |
Arnold 2004 |
Headache |
24/76 |
Arnold 2010 |
Headache |
12/150 |
Atzori 2009 |
Headache |
6/129 |
Barrickman 1995 |
Headache |
1/15 |
Berek 2011 |
Headache |
15/762 |
Blader 2010 |
Headache |
1/65 |
Chou 2012b |
Headache |
7/230 |
Cortese 2015 |
Headache |
62/1426 |
Dirksen 2002 |
Headache |
17/287 |
Dittmann 2014 |
Headache |
1/195 |
Döpfner 2011a, OBSEER |
Headache |
9/777 |
Döpfner 2011b |
Headache |
8/113 |
Efron 1997 |
Headache |
30/123 |
El‐Fiky 2014 |
Headache |
4/31 |
Findling 2009 |
Headache |
54/157 |
Galland 2010 |
Morning headache |
3/27 |
Garg 2014 |
Headache |
4/27 |
Gau 2006 |
Headache |
11/32 |
Gau 2008 |
Headache |
21/607 |
Gerwe 2009 |
Headache |
15/263 |
Goez 2012 |
Headache |
4/28 |
Golubchik 2011 |
Headache |
2/9 |
Green 2011 |
Headache |
8/14 |
Greenberg 1987 |
Headache |
1/49 |
Greenhill 1983 |
Headache |
2/7 |
Gucuyener 2003 |
Headache |
14/119 |
Guerreiro 1996 |
Headache |
2/22 |
Haertling 2015 |
Headache |
2/239 |
Hammerness 2009 |
Headache |
14/57 |
Hazell 2003 |
Headache |
8/10 |
Hulvershorn 2012 |
Headache |
1/25 |
Işeri 2007 |
Headache |
5/20 |
Jafarinia 2012 |
Headache |
10/20 |
Jung 2007 |
Headache |
8/83 |
Kemner 2005 (FOCUS) |
Headache |
33/850 |
Khajehpiri 2014 |
Headache |
7/71 |
Kim 2010 |
Headache |
3/27 |
Kordon 2011 |
Headache |
14/541 |
Kratochvil 2002 |
Headache |
13/25 |
Lee 2007 |
Headache |
16/110 |
Lee 2014 |
Headache |
6/100 |
Li 2011 |
Headache |
3/34 |
Maayan 2009 |
Headache |
1/11 |
Maia 2008 |
Headaches |
4/39 |
Mayes 1994 |
Headache |
3/63 |
McCracken 2016 |
Headache |
23/61 |
Miller‐Horn 2008 |
Headache |
1/23 |
Mohammadi 2004 |
Headache |
7/11 |
Mohammadi 2010 |
Headache |
15/19 |
Mohammadi 2012a |
Headache |
4/23 |
Mohammadi 2012b |
Headache |
9/20 |
Na 2013 |
Headache |
32/103 |
Perera 2010 |
Headache |
13/102 |
Peyre 2012a |
Headache |
43/121 |
Pierce 2010 |
Headache |
6/71 |
Remschmidt 2005 |
Headache |
2/105 |
Sahin 2014 |
Headache |
14/30 |
Sangal 2006 |
Headache |
12/79 |
Schulz 2010 |
Headache |
9/145 |
Shang 2015 |
Headache |
14/66 |
Silva 2004 |
Headache |
4/22 |
Song 2012 |
Headache |
30/116 |
Steele 2006 |
Headache |
14/60 |
Su 2015 |
Headache |
4/205 |
Tasdelen 2015 |
Headache |
1/17 |
Thorell 2009 |
Headache |
6/79 |
Valdizán Usón 2004 |
Headache |
2/155 |
Valdizán Usón 2013 |
Headache |
11/689 |
Wang 2007 |
Headache |
16/166 |
Warshaw 2010 |
Headache |
23/260 |
Weiss 2007 |
Headache |
10/79 |
Wigal 2013 |
Headache |
7/39 |
Wigal 2015 |
Headache |
35/200 |
Wilens 2005 |
Headache |
123/229 |
Wilens 2006 |
Headache |
25/220 |
Wilens 2008 |
Headache |
27/127 |
Yatsuga 2014 |
Headache |
7/50 |
Yildiz 2010 |
Headache |
27/47 |
Yildiz 2011 |
Headache |
3/11 |
Zarinara 2010 |
Headache |
11/18 |
Zelnik 2015 |
Headache |
107/128 |
Zheng 2011 |
Headache |
143/1154 |
Çetin 2015 |
Headache |
2/61 |
Increased need to sleep |
Blader 2010 |
Trouble waking |
1/65 |
Galland 2010 |
Hard to wake + difficult to wake |
14/27 |
Mohammadi 2004 |
Increased need to sleep |
5/11 |
Mohammadi 2012a |
Sleepiness |
4/23 |
Na 2013 |
Somnolence |
8/103 |
Pierce 2010 |
Somnolence |
2/71 |
Wang 2007 |
Somnolence |
6/166 |
Zarinara 2010 |
Somnolence |
3/19 |
Involuntary movements |
Balázs 2011 |
Involuntary movements after methylphenidate treatment |
9/34 |
Berek 2011 |
Muscle contractions, involuntary |
34/762 |
Blader 2010 |
Shaking + tremor |
4/65 |
Galland 2010 |
Restless legs |
2/27 |
Kordon 2011 |
Muscle contraction, involuntary |
13/541 |
Kratochvil 2002 |
Hyperkinesia |
2/25 |
Lee 2014 |
Convulsion |
4/100 |
Irritability |
Abbasi 2011 |
Irritability |
18/20 |
Amiri 2008 |
Irritability |
6/27 |
Ardic 2014 |
Irritability |
30/101 |
Atzori 2009 |
Irritability |
9/129 |
Barrickman 1995 |
Irritability |
1/15 |
Blader 2010 |
Irritability |
16/65 |
Cortese 2015 |
Irritabillity |
67/1426 |
Efron 1997 |
Irritable |
100/123 |
El‐Fiky 2014 |
Irritable |
6/31 |
Findling 2009 |
Irritability |
20/157 |
Garg 2014 |
Irritability |
2/27 |
Gau 2006 |
Irritable |
7/32 |
Green 2011 |
Irritability |
2/14 |
Greenhill 1983 |
Irritability |
4/7 |
Hazell 2003 |
Irritability |
3/10 |
Işeri 2007 |
Irritability |
3/20 |
Jensen 1999 (MTA) |
Irritability |
10/245 |
Johnson 2013 |
Irritability |
23/45 |
Kemner 2005 (FOCUS) |
Irritability |
7/850 |
Khajehpiri 2014 |
Irritability |
25/71 |
Maayan 2009 |
Irritability |
1/8 |
Maia 2008 |
Irritability |
10/39 |
Mayes 1994 |
Irritability |
18/63 |
McCracken 2016 |
Irritability |
12/61 |
Mohammadi 2012a |
Irritability |
10/23 |
Na 2013 |
Irritable |
16/121 |
Sangal 2006 |
Irritability |
12/79 |
Silva 2004 |
Irritability |
3/22 |
Song 2012 |
Irritability |
9/116 |
Tasdelen 2015 |
Irritability |
5/17 |
Valdizán Usón 2004 |
Irritability |
4/155 |
Wang 2007 |
Irritability |
10/166 |
Warshaw 2010 |
Irritability |
15/260 |
Wigal 2015 |
Irritability |
11/200 |
Yildiz 2010 |
Irritability |
16/47 |
Nervousness |
Arabgol 2015 |
Nervousness |
5/15 |
Berek 2011 |
Nervousness |
17/762 |
Jafarinia 2012 |
Nervousness |
5/20 |
Kordon 2011 |
Nervousness |
13/541 |
Kratochvil 2002 |
Nervousness |
4/25 |
Lee 2007 |
Nervousness |
2/110 |
Mohammadi 2010 |
Nervousness |
14/19 |
Na 2013 |
Nervousness |
7/103 |
Song 2012 |
Nervousness |
9/116 |
Steele 2006 |
Nervousness |
9/60 |
Weiss 2007 |
Nervousness |
14/79 |
Wilens 2006 |
Nervousness |
6/220 |
Yildiz 2011 |
Nervousness |
9/11 |
Çetin 2015 |
Nervousness |
2/61 |
Nightmares |
Blader 2010 |
Nightmares |
2/65 |
El‐Fiky 2014 |
Nightmares |
1/31 |
Gau 2006 |
Nightmares |
8/32 |
Green 2011 |
Nightmares |
1/14 |
Khajehpiri 2014 |
Nightmares |
3/71 |
Kim 2010 |
Nightmares |
1/27 |
Maia 2008 |
Nightmares |
1/31 |
Sahin 2014 |
Nightmares |
4/30 |
Silva 2004 |
Nightmares |
1/22 |
Song 2012 |
Nightmares |
10/116 |
Tomás Vila 2010b |
Nightmares |
12/114 |
Restlessness and agitation |
Blader 2010 |
Restlessness |
3/65 |
Davari‐Ashtiani 2010 |
Restlessness |
4/16 |
Dittmann 2014 |
Agitation |
1/195 |
Döpfner 2011b |
Restlessness |
1/113 |
Grcevich 2001 |
Agitation |
2/75 |
Haertling 2015 |
Agitation |
2/239 |
Khajehpiri 2014 |
Agitation |
16/71 |
Lee 2014 |
Agitation |
6/100 |
Mohammadi 2010 |
Restlessness |
8/19 |
Perera 2010 |
Restlessness |
5/102 |
Sahin 2014 |
Restlessness |
9/30 |
Steele 2006 |
Agitation |
8/60 |
Valdizán Usón 2013 |
Physical activity modifications |
16/689 |
Zarinara 2010 |
Restlessness |
5/19 |
Sadness |
Abbasi 2011 |
Sadness |
9/20 |
Amiri 2008 |
Sadness |
6/27 |
Barrickman 1995 |
Low mood |
1/15 |
Blader 2010 |
Crying + sadness |
17/65 |
Davari‐Ashtiani 2010 |
Sadness |
3/16 |
Efron 1997 |
Sadness or unhappiness |
69/123 |
El‐Fiky 2014 |
Sad |
3/31 |
Garg 2014 |
Sadness |
0/27 |
Gau 2006 |
Sadness |
14/32 |
Green 2011 |
Sadness |
7/14 |
Hammerness 2009 |
Sad |
1/57 |
Hazell 2003 |
Sad |
5/10 |
Işeri 2007 |
Sadness |
2/20 |
Jensen 1999 (MTA) |
Tearfulness |
6/245 |
Johnson 2013 |
Sadness |
18/45 |
Kemner 2005 (FOCUS) |
Crying |
13/850 |
Maia 2008 |
Sad |
4/31 |
Mohammadi 2010 |
Sadness |
4/19 |
Mohammadi 2012a |
Sadness |
2/23 |
Perera 2010 |
Sadness |
13/102 |
Sahin 2014 |
Sadness |
9/30 |
Stares |
Blader 2010 |
Stares into space |
3/65 |
El‐Fiky 2014 |
Stares a lot |
8/31 |
Hazell 2003 |
Stares |
6/10 |
Maia 2008 |
Stares a lot or daydreams |
7/31 |
Excessive talking |
Blader 2010 |
Overly talkative |
8/65 |
Hazell 2003 |
Talks too much |
5/10 |
Khajehpiri 2014 |
Speaking more |
6/71 |
Taciturnity ('talking too little') |
Blader 2010 |
Less talkative |
4/65 |
El‐Fiky 2014 |
Talk less |
2/31 |
Green 2011 |
Talking little |
6/14 |
Maia 2008 |
Talk less |
9/31 |
Tics |
Ardic 2014 |
Tics |
3/101 |
Atzori 2009 |
Tics |
2/129 |
Blader 2010 |
Tics |
3/65 |
Cortese 2015 |
Tics |
27/1426 |
Davari‐Ashtiani 2010 |
Tics |
1/16 |
Döpfner 2011a, OBSEER |
Tics |
100/777 |
Döpfner 2011b |
Tics |
1/113 |
Efron 1997 |
Tics |
35/123 |
El‐Fiky 2014 |
Tics or involuntary movements |
0/31 |
Findling 2009 |
Tics |
0/157 |
Gau 2006 |
Tics |
6/32 |
Germinario 2013 |
Tics |
1/9 |
Golubchik 2011 |
Motor tics exacerbation |
1/9 |
Grcevich 2001 |
Motor tics |
1/75 |
Green 2011 |
Tics |
0/14 |
Gucuyener 2003 |
Motor tics |
2/119 |
Işeri 2007 |
Tics |
3/20 |
Johnson 2013 |
Tics (new onset) |
1/45 |
Khajehpiri 2014 |
Tics |
18/71 |
Kim 2010 |
Tics |
3/27 |
Kim 2011 |
Tics |
19/97 |
Lakic 2012 |
Tics |
3/61 |
Lee 2007 |
Tics |
6/110 |
Miller‐Horn 2008 |
Tics |
2/23 |
Mohammadi 2004 |
Tics |
0/11 |
Mohammadi 2012a |
Tics |
1/23 |
Mohammadi 2012b |
Tics |
4/20 |
Remschmidt 2005 |
Tics |
7/89 |
Sahin 2014 |
Tics |
2/30 |
Shang 2015 |
Tics |
1/66 |
Song 2012 |
Tics |
7/116 |
Su 2015 |
Tourette disorder |
6/205 |
Tasdelen 2015 |
Tics |
1/17 |
Valdizán Usón 2004 |
Tics |
1/155 |
Varley 2001 |
Tics |
31/374 |
Wilens 2005 |
Twitching |
40/229 |
Yildiz 2010 |
Tics |
1/47 |
Yildiz 2011 |
Tics |
2/11 |
Çetin 2015 |
Tics |
1/16 |
Isolation and lack of interest in others |
Blader 2010 |
Lack of interest |
6/65 |
Efron 1997 |
Uninterested in others |
39/123 |
El‐Fiky 2014 |
Uninterested in others |
2/31 |
Green 2011 |
Uninterested |
4/14 |
Hazell 2003 |
Uninterested |
6/10 |
Khajehpiri 2014 |
Isolation |
6/71 |
Maia 2008 |
Uninterested others |
6/31 |
Perera 2010 |
Social withdrawal |
6/102 |
Sahin 2014 |
Being in own world |
5/30 |
Yildiz 2010 |
Introversion (maybe isolation) |
5/47 |
'Zombie like' demeanour |
Davari‐Ashtiani 2010 |
Zombie like |
3/16 |
Jensen 1999 (MTA) |
Zombie like |
18/245 |
Wilens 2005 |
Apathy |
4/407 |
Somnolence |
Chou 2012b |
Somnolence |
1/230 |
Khajehpiri 2014 |
Somnolence |
5/71 |
McCracken 2016 |
Somnolence |
3/61 |
Na 2013 |
Somnolence |
8/103 |
Shang 2015 |
Somnolence |
1/66 |
Wang 2007 |
Somnolence |
6/166 |
Weiss 2007 |
Somnolence |
7/79 |
Wilens 2005 |
Somnolence |
1/229 |
Yildiz 2011 |
Somnolence |
1/11 |
Obsession |
Cortese 2015 |
Obsessive behaviour |
6/1426 |
Khajehpiri 2014 |
Obsession |
1/71 |
Çetin 2015 |
Obsession |
2/32 |
Mood disorder |
Cortese 2015 |
Mood disorder |
49/1426 |
Haertling 2015 |
Emotional disorder of childhood |
1/239 |
Confusional state |
Haertling 2015 |
Confusional state |
1/262 |
Zelnik 2015 |
Sense of dopiness |
13/128 |
Sleep disorder |
Dittmann 2014 |
Sleep disorder |
6/195 |
Döpfner 2011a, OBSEER |
Sleep disorder |
9/777 |
Su 2015 |
Sleep disorder |
26/239 |
Propensity to cry |
El‐Fiky 2014 |
Prone to cry |
4/31 |
Sahin 2014 |
Sudden crying |
12/30 |
Sedation |
McCracken 2016 |
Sedation |
4/61 |
Mohammadi 2010 |
Sedation |
4/19 |
Daytime sleepiness |
Galland 2010 |
Daytime sleepiness |
2/27 |
Tomás Vila 2010b |
Datime sleepiness |
2/114 |
Dysphoria |
Atzori 2009 |
Dysphoria |
2/134 |
Logorrhoea |
Atzori 2009 |
Loggorrhoea |
1/129 |
Impaired concentration |
Berek 2011 |
Impaired concentration |
14/822 |
Difficulty waking up |
Galland 2010 |
Difficult to wake up |
7/28 |
Urinary incontinence |
Garg 2014 |
Urinary incontinence |
1/32 |
Paralysis |
Haertling 2015 |
Paralysis |
1/239 |
Affective disorder |
Haertling 2015 |
Affective disorder |
1/239 |
Jumbled thoughts |
Hammerness 2009 |
Jumbled thoughts |
1/154 |
Bulimia |
Khajehpiri 2014 |
Bulimia |
5/71 |
Sleep late |
Khajehpiri 2014 |
Sleeping late |
22/71 |
Tooth grinding |
Khajehpiri 2014 |
Tooth grinding |
3/71 |
Tremor |
Khajehpiri 2014 |
Tremor |
2/71 |
Stuttering |
Khajehpiri 2014 |
Stuttering |
4/71 |
Flushing |
Khajehpiri 2014 |
Flushing |
9/71 |
Apathy |
Kordon 2011 |
Apathy |
6/541 |
Abnormal behaviour |
Lee 2014 |
Abnormal behaviour |
5/100 |
Stereotypies |
Mohammadi 2004 |
Stereotypies |
0/16 |
Quietness |
Sahin 2014 |
Quietness |
6/30 |
EEG changes |
Schmidt 2002 |
Pathologic |
25/124 |
Did not like themselves |
Thorell 2009 |
Does not like him‐ or herself |
10/79 |
Sleep walking |
Tomás Vila 2010b |
Sleep walking |
2/114 |
Personality and behaviour disorders |
Valdizán Usón 2013 |
Personality and behavior disorders |
14/633 |
Vertigo |
Yildiz 2011 |
Vertigo |
3/11 |