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. 2019 May 1;9:6751. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-43230-6

Table 1.

Genes (N = 110) associated with transcriptional regulation that were expressed more highly in romidepsin-treated embryos at 3 or 6 hours-post amputation.

arid4a elf3 ino80b mxi1 sfrs17a
atmin emx1 insig1 notch1 sgk1
bc11b emx2 insm1 nr2f1 smad7
bcor en2 irf1 nr2f2 sostdc1
btg1 fam46C jag1 nr4a1 sox8
c14orf4 fos jag2 nrarp sp7
casz1 foxc1 jund onecut2 spen
cbx4 fzd8 klf4 osr1 tbx15
cbx8 gtd2b klf5 ovol2 tfap2a
cby1 hes5 lbh pck1 tmem100
cdc6 hey1 lefty1 per1 trak1
cdkn1b hoxa3 lmx1b pkp1 tsc22d3
cited2 hoxb9 lrrc14 pnrc1 tshz1
cyr61 hoxc10 mafb prickle1 txnip
dact1 hoxc8 maml2 rara znf250
ddit3 hspa8 med7 rbm24 znf281
dll1 htf4 meis1 rbm38 znf300
dlx6 id1 meis2 rg9mtd1 znf510
dnajb5 id2 mn1 rgma znf703
ebf2 ift57 myc rgmb znf750
ebf3 ing1 mycn ror2 znf777
efna1 ing2 myf5 sfrp2 znf821