Fig. 1.
Acute SHIV infection dynamics and concentrations of cabotegravir in plasma. a Plasma SHIV RNA levels (blue line) and cabotegravir concentrations (magenta line) in the six macaques treated with cabotegravir long-acting (CAB LA). CAB LA injections were given at days 11, 39, and 67. Macaques seroconverted at days 14–25, always after the first CAB LA injection at day 11. The 4xPA-IC90 value (0.664 μg/ml) is shown with a horizontal dotted line. Red circles denote the day of seroconversion. Open blue circles are wild type (WT) integrase sequences and close blue circles are time points with integrase mutations. Time 0 denotes the day of intravenous SHIV inoculation. b Plasma SHIV RNA levels in two untreated controls are compared with the median levels observed in the six CAB LA-treated animals. Individual CAB-LA-treated animals are also shown in light blue. Source data are provided as a Source Data file