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. 2019 May 1;39(18):3434–3453. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1450-18.2019

Table 2.

Changes in theta peak power during optogenetic silencing

Group Change in theta peak amplitude, %
n Df t Statistic p Effect size, Cohen's d
Mean ± SD
Average across mice Laser control 3.69 ± 18.57 6 5 0.487 0.647 0.20
GFP control 12.38 ± 28.3 5 4 0.978 0.383 0.44
ChAT-Cre 25.36 ± 45.94 10 9 1.746 0.115 0.55
Average across sessions Wild-type, ArchT −19.57 ± 29.11 15 14 −2.603 0.021 0.67
−52.95 ± 27.38 8 7 −5.470 0.001 1.93
−54.50 ± 26.98 9 8 −6.060 0.000 2.02
−61.60 ± 16.22 9 8 −11.295 0.000 3.80
PV-Cre −40.49 ± 13.13 3 2 −5.341 0.033 3.08
−68.59 ± 21.85 6 5 −7.690 0.001 3.14
−27.52 ± 11.77 5 4 −5.227 0.006 2.34
vGluT2-Cre −6.97 ± 27.19 5 4 −0.573 0.597 0.26
8.49 ± 15.39 24 23 2.703 0.013 0.55
18.33 ± 19.18 10 9 3.021 0.014 0.96

Df, Degrees of freedom; n, sample size. Statistics were performed across mice if the number of mice ≥5, otherwise across sessions per mouse.