Table 2.
#BreastCancera corpus | #HeartDiseaseb corpus |
Help | Prevent |
Support | Prevention |
Fight | Preventing |
Awareness | Risk |
Pink | Help |
Order | Women |
Art | Health |
Project | Cancer |
Bare | Study |
Reality | New |
Women | Stroke |
Risk | Diabetes |
Please | Healthy |
New | Diet |
Via | Death |
Terms common to both corpora are italicized. RT: Indicates a ‘retweet’. This implies that the text was originally composed by someone else, and was copied and shared by another user.
aExcludes #BreastCancer, breast, cancer, hashtagged terms, RT and common English words (e.g. with, is and for).
bExcludes #HeartDisease, heart, disease, hashtagged terms, RT and common English words (e.g. with, is, and, for).