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. 2019 May 1;5:2055207619844865. doi: 10.1177/2055207619844865

Table 2.

Fifteen most common words in #BreastCancer and #HeartDisease corpora.

#BreastCancera corpus #HeartDiseaseb corpus
Help Prevent
Support Prevention
Fight Preventing
Awareness Risk
Pink Help
Order Women
Art Health
Project Cancer
Bare Study
Reality New
Women Stroke
Risk Diabetes
Please Healthy
New Diet
Via Death

Terms common to both corpora are italicized. RT: Indicates a ‘retweet’. This implies that the text was originally composed by someone else, and was copied and shared by another user.

aExcludes #BreastCancer, breast, cancer, hashtagged terms, RT and common English words (e.g. with, is and for).

bExcludes #HeartDisease, heart, disease, hashtagged terms, RT and common English words (e.g. with, is, and, for).