FIB-SEM imaging of Purkinje cells synapses. (A) Details of synaptic
ultrastructure after FIB-SEM imaging of an unlabeled area of a
calbindin-stained specimen. A sample image of a postsynaptic bouton
(black asterisk) making contact with two presynaptic elements (white
asterisks), showing good preservation of ultrastructure. (B-C) Same
synapse manually segmented and reconstructed; postsynapse is shown in
pink, presynaptic profiles in yellow, AZ-PSD complex in green, and
vesicles in purple. Imaging was performed using a FEI Scios DualBeam
system. Scale bar = 100 µm. Abbreviations: FIB-SEM, focused ion
beam–scanning electron microscopy; AZ, active zone; PSD, postsynaptic