Newborn neurons derived from neural progenitor cells (NPCs) in the Psora‐4 (10 nM) group developed more mature electrophysiological properties. (A) Typical electrophysiological recordings from the three main differentiation periods (days 5–10, 13–16 and 20–24). The left panel shows K+ and Na+ currents, the middle panel shows induced action potentials (APs), and the right panel shows spontaneous APs. (B) Current‐voltage relationships for Na+ current (IN
a) at days 13–16 (left) and days 20–24 (right). The IN
a value at days 20–24 was significantly increased in the presence of Psora‐4 (n = 19). IN
a was measured as the peak inward current. (C) Psora‐4 increased the percentage of neurons that fired induced continuous APs (ICAPs) and spontaneous APs (SAPs) at days 20–24. (D) Neurons differentiated with Psora‐4 developed more hyperpolarized rest membrane potentials (Vrest) both at days 13–16 (control n = 18, Psora‐4 n = 17) and at days 20–24 (control n = 19, Psora‐4 n = 18). *P < 0.05.