Raidd expression from the introduced construct and adipsin expression,
a marker for differentiation. 5 µg of total RNA from cells 8 days after hormonal induction was DNAse treated, reverse transcribed with oligo (dT)12–18 mer (Gibco BRL) and subjected to PCR with primers (see Material and methods) specific for
transcript from the introduced construct and adipsin. All six
‐transfected clones (1–6) express
transcript from the construct. Adipsin, a marker of terminally differentiated adipocytes, is expressed only in
‐transfected clones 1 and 4 that partially differentiated, and in control cells 8 days after hormonal induction (A). No adipsin expression is detected in
Raidd ‐clones exhibiting a complete blockage to differentiation (clones, 2, 3, 5, 6) and in control cells before hormonal induction (B).