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Table 1.

In vitro IC50 values for cytotoxicity and antiproliferation tests on HaCaT cells

Drug Cytotoxicity test (IC50 in µm) Antiproliferation test (IC50 in µm) IC50 ratio: cytotoxic/antiproliferative
Camptothecin   3.02 (1) a  0.0051 (1) 592.16
Doxorubicin   2.72 (0.9)  0.017 (3.33) 160
Ciprofloxacin 658 (217.8) 35.72 (7003.92)  18.42
Partricin A  97.9 (32.4)  5.8 (1137.2)  16.8
Amphotericin B 102.9 (34.1)  29.3 (5745.1)   3.51

a Numbers in brackets are the ratios calculated using the CAM IC 50 value.