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Table 2.

Sensitivity of different cell lines to the in vitro antiproliferative effect of Camptothecin (CAM) and Doxorubicin (DXR) expressed as IC50 values

Cell type CAM DXR Ref.
CCRF/CEM (T cell lymphoblastic leukaemia)   8.1 nm 103 nm (Kapoor et al. 1995)
  2.2 nm  29 nm (Riou et al. 1993)
KB (nasopharingeal Ca)   9.8 nm (Beidler et al. 1996)
JURKAT (acute T‐cell leukaemia)   5.6 nm   9.6 nm (Bridewell et al. 1997)
H460 (non‐small‐cell lung Ca)   4.9 nm   4.2 nm (Bridewell et al. 1997)
U937 (monoblastic leukaemia) 420 nm (Bridewell et al. 1997)
N‐417 (small‐cell lung Ca) 200 nm  20 nm (Prost & Riou 1994)
HaCaT   4.9 nm  17 nm (epithelial cells)