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Table 1.

Cell sizes in µm2 of the upper epidermis of the leaves of jade, impatiens and begonia

Feature Plant
Jade Impatiens Begonia
All cells
 Range 680–7390 11,200–4700 520–3,400
 Average 1850 4075 2,033
 Standard deviation 700 1245 539
 Coefficient of variation 37 31 31
Mother cells
 Range 850–4350 2,400–5750 1,400–3,400
 Average 2440 4020 2,323
 Standard deviation 600 840 401
 Coefficient of variation 25 21 17
Daughter cells
 Range 1,000–5000 950–3650 650–1,850
 Average 1200 2082 1,165
 Standard deviation 340 576 315
 Coefficient of variation 28 27 27
 % difference in pairs 11.8 10.4 9.9