Western blotting and immunostaining study to show cardiomyogenesis of BMDCs. Two weeks after supplementation with SDF‐1, troponin I and cardiac MHC were observed in either adherent primary murine (a) or 5th‐passage human (b) BMDC, via Western blotting. Four samples were tested for the target protein, and three Western blots were separately performed for each sample. Murine ventricle and human atrial cells were used as positive controls (control (P)). (c) Immunostaining study to demonstrate cardiac MHC (red) and connexin 43 (green) with nuclear counterstain (blue) in murine cultured BMDC supplemented with SDF‐1. (d) In murine BMDCs supplemented without SDF‐1, only less connexin 43 (green) was found. (e, f) Compared to without SDF‐1 (f), treatment with SDF‐1 (e) induced murine BMDCs to express troponin I (green) (magnification ×400).