mRNA expression of DNER and Notch‐related genes during hAMSC adipogenesis. (a) Real‐time quantitative PCR analysis of DNER expression in a number of human cancer cell lines, hAMSCs and hUCB‐MSCs at different passages. (b) RT‐PCR results for DNER mRNA expression during adipogenesis. DNER decreased throughout the course of adipogenesis. hAMSCs were induced to differentiate and total RNA was isolated from the cell extracts at the indicated time points. (c) hAMSC were induced to undergo adipogenic differentiation and the mRNA was used for real‐time quantitative PCR analysis on DNER, Notch1, PPARγ, Hey1, Deltex1 and Hes1. DNER levels were reduced during adipogenesis; however, the level of Notch‐related genes increased during adipogenesis. The indicated values are expressed as the mean ± SD for three independent experiments.