Prospective vs. retrospective view for the lineage assignment. (a) Lineage fate is assigned in situ for a chosen cellular genealogy of the differentiation scenario in the prospective view, e.g. ‘the colour coding’ of a cell might change during the cells existence if certain critical markers (lineage propensities in the simulation model) exceed a threshold level. In contrast, in subfigure (b) Lineage fate is assigned recursively based on the lineage fate of the daughter cells for the same genealogy as in subfigure (a). Colour‐coding of the cells is identical to Fig. 3 (neglecting the early committed stages), colours for the divisions are assigned as follows: undifferentiated symmetric divisions – magenta, symmetric divisions of committed cells – light blue, asymmetric divisions (only in the retrospective view) – red. In (c) and (d), the probability of occurrence of the particular division types for each generation g is given for the set of genealogies derived under the differentiation scenario. The colour‐coding is identical to (a) and (b).