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Table 1.

Stem cell transplantation experiments in man and animal models grouped by donor cell phenotype

Reference Host Injury Donor cell phenotype Route of administration Time after injury Number of cells Outcome Follow‐up
Yang et al. 2002 Friend leukaemia virus strain B mice LAD ligation mES (ES‐D3)‐derived early differentiated cardiomyo‐ cytes, transfected with GFP and ± transfected with VEGF Epicardial into BZ and infarct 3 × 10 µl 15 min 3 × 105 Significant increase in function & capillary density. Stem cells transfected with VEGF > increase than stem cells alone > than controls 6 weeks
Behfar et al. 2002 Sprague‐Dawley/Wistar LAD ligation mES (CGR8)‐derived cardiomyocytes Epicardial into BZ 27G needle 4 weeks 3 × 105 Significant increase in LVEF on echocardiography 5 weeks
Min et al. 2000b Wistar rats LAD ligation mES (ES‐D3)‐derived cardiomyocytes, transfected with GFP Epicardial into BZ and infarct 3 × 10 µl 30 min 3 × 104 Significant functional improvement, compared with controls. Engrafted GFP +ve cardiomyocytes seen 6 weeks
Klug et al. 1996 Mdx adult mice None mES (ES‐D3 transfected MHC‐neor/pGK‐transgene) derived cardiomyocytes Epicardial 30G tuberculin syringe N/A 1 × 104 Cardiomyocytes engrafted, no measures of function N/A
Perin et al. 2003 Humans Congestive cardiac failure/IHD Autologous BM, Mononuclear cells separated, avg 2.4%CD45lowCD34+ Percutaneous transendocardial catheter N/A 25.5 ± 6.3 ×106 cells NYHA, CCS improved, EF significantly improved 20–29%, SPECT less stress defects 2 & 4 months
Tse et al. 2003 Humans IHD Autologous BM, Mononuclear cells separated 3.2%CD34+ 27G needle, 16 injections @11 sites NOGA mapping, Endomyocardial injection via catheter N/A 1.4 × 107 Less angina attacks, reduced GTN tablet requirement, MRI: improved target wall thickening & motion 3 months
Pak et al. 2003 Pigs LAD distal occlussion MSC & BM or BM only Direct epicardial, injection, × 15 1 month 1.5 × 108 MSC, BM N/A Higher nerve density in MSC group 60 & 96 days
Nishida et al. 2003 Dark agouti syngenic rats LAD ligation Aspirated BM Direct epicardial injection, 6 × 10 µl, 26G needle Stat 6 × 107 Increase in FS, microvessel density & blood flow & 90 days 7, 30, 60
Strauer et al. 2002 Humans Acute myocardial infarction Autologus mononuclear cells from BM aspiration, Ficoll gradient, 2.1%CD34+, 0.6% AAC133+ IC catheter, 6–7 injections 2–3 mls per injection, each 1.5–4 × 106 cells 5–9 days 18 × 106 cells Repeat cardiac catheter significant reduction in hypo/dys/akinetic segments, improved perfusion on thallium, no significant increase in EF 3 months
Hamano et al. 2002 Dogs LAD ligation, permanent Autologus BM, density centrifugation Direct epicardial, 6 injections, 0.1 ml each 27G needle 30 days 12 × 107 Improved wall thickening & density of microvessels in marginal area 30 days some up to 240
Hamano et al. 2001 Humans IHD Autologus mononulcear cells separated from BM aspiration Endocardial at CABG, avg 11 injections 0.1 mL each, 26G needle N/A 5 × 108−1 × 109 cells 60% improved stress tests 1 year
Kobayashi et al. 2000 Inbred dark agouti rats LAD ligation Unsorted BM Direct epicardial injection, 6 × 10 µl PBS 1 h 5 × 106 Siginificant increase in No. of vessels 1, 3 & 7 days
Tomita et al. 1999 Sprague‐Dawley rats LV cryoinjury BM separated with Percoll gradient, fresh, cultured 7 days or 5‐azacytidine treated Direct epicardial injection, 50 µl into centre of scar, tuberculin syringe 3 weeks 106 All grps significant increase capillaries, significant increase peak systolic & developed pressure only in BM treated with azacytidine 5 weeks
Orlic et al. 2001a C57BL/6 mice LAD ligation Aspirated BM, sorted for Linc‐kit+, from male transgenic eGFP mice Direct epicardial injection, 2.5 µl into border zones 3–5 h 1.5 × 104–1 × 105 Improved LV haemodynamics, 68% of infarct engrafted with transplanted cells 9 days
Orlic et al. 2001b C57BL/6 mice LAD ligation None G‐CSF & SCF 5 days prior & 3 days post injury N/A N/A Increase in survival, EF, & regenerating myocardium seen 27 days
Jackson et al. 2001 Irradiated mice LAD ligation 60 mins SP cells separated from Rosa C57BL/16 mice, CD34−/low, c‐kit+ Sca‐1+ BM transplant 10 weeks prior 2000 for transplant Engrafted cells of which, 0.02% cardiomyocytes, 3.3% endothelial cells 2 & 4 weeks
Mangi et al. 2003 Sprague‐Dawley rats LAD ligation MSCs CD117+, CD90+, CD34, transfected with GFP, LacZ or Akt Direct epicardil injection, × 5 injections into border zone 60 min 2.5 or 5 × 106 MSC with Akt group complete normalization of function, 80–90% regeneration of myocardium 2 weeks
Thompson et al. 2003 Pigs None Aspirated BM, adherent cells, transfected with GFP Transendocardial, 15 injections N/A N/A GFP + ve cells found in all animals, no adverse outcome 0–28 days
Gojo et al. 2003 C3H/HeJ adult mice None BM stromal cells, treated with 5‐Azacytidine, CD34low/– c‐kit+,CD140a+ Direct epicardial injection, 31G needle, 10 µl in ventricle or IVC N/A 106 0.25% of cells engrafted 1, 4, 8 & 12 weeks
Shake et al. 2002 Pigs LAD ligation, 60 mins Aspirated BM, MSC separated Direct epicardial, 6 injections, 0.5 ml each 30G needle 2 weeks 6 × 107 cells Significant increase systolic function, Transdifferentiation 2 & 4 weeks
Min et al. 2002a Pigs LAD ligation Human MSCs & human Fetal cardiomyocytes Endocardial injection, BZ 5 min 7 × 106 cells Transdifferentiation, improved haemodynamics & improved blood flow (microspheres) 6 weeks
Toma et al. 2002 CB17 SCID/ Beige mice None hMSC, transfected with LacZ Transdiaphragm epicardial injection, 100 µls 32G needle N/A 0.5–1 × 106 Up to 0.44% engraftment, transdifferentiation 30 mins, 4, 14, 21, 30 & 60 days
Stamm et al. 2003 Humans Myocardial infarction Autologous, BM aspiration, AC133+ cells separated by MACS Endocardial at CABG, × 10 injections 0.2 mls, 22G needle 10 days 3 months 1 × 106 No long‐term adverse effects, Improved NYHA, Improved LVEF (minimal). Improved perfusion on SPECT avg 6.5 months
Assmus et al. 2002 Humans Acute myocardial infarction BM mononuclear cells, 90% endothelial characteristics VEGFR2, CD105, PECAM‐ 1, vWF, VE‐Cadherin & CD146 Intracoronary, ballon inflated for 3 ×, 3, 3 mls per patient 4 days 245 × 106, 7 × 106CD34+/CD45+ EF improved significant, Reduced WMA, improved CFR, improved viability FDG‐PET 4 months
Kocher et al. 2001 Athymic nude rats Sprague‐ Dawley LAD ligation permnt BM aspiration CD34+ve separated, Dil labelled Tail vein injection 48 h 2 × 106 cells Significant improvement EF 2 & 15 week
Kawamoto et al. 2001 Athymic nude rats, Hsd: RH‐rnv LAD ligation, Permnt Peripheral blood MNCs, Dil labelled Tail vein injection 3 h 106 Significant increase in FS & capillary density, improved regional wall motion, transdifferentiation 28 days
Kamihata et al. 2001 ePigs LAD ligation Aspirated BM, MNC separated, transfected with GFP Epicardial injection, BZ & infarct, 25 × 0.02 mls 1 h 108 cells Significant increase EF, blood flow, vessels on angio & histology, decreased perfusion defects 3 weeks & 12 week
Fuchs et al. 2001 Pigs LCx ameroid implant Aspirated BM, MNC separated Transendocardial injection, 10–12 injections 0.2 mls each 4 week N/A Improved regional contractility, perfusion & EF 1, 3, 7 & 21 days

BM, bone marrow; BZ, border zone (of infarct); CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; CCS, Canadian cardiovascular score (for angina); EF, ejection fraction; FS, fractional shortening; GFP, green fluorescent protein; IC, intra‐coronary; IHD, ischaemic heart disease; LAD, left anterior descending artery; LV, left ventricle; Mdx, muscular dystrophy; mES, murine embryonic stem cell; MNC, mononuclear cell; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NYHA, New York Heart Association (score for heart failure); PBS, phosphate‐buffered saline; PET, positron emission tomography; SPECT, single photon emission computed tomography; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.