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Table 1.

Cell cycle parameters of 2nH1 and 4nH1 cells

Phase G1 S G2/M
2nH1 cells (Td = 19.0 h a )
Fraction 0.239 (0.216) 0.520 (0.470) 0.240 (0.217)
Duration (h) b 3.50 9.60 5.89
4nH1 cells (Td = 19.0 h a )
Fraction 0.229 (0.209) 0.531 (0.486) 0.240 (0.219)
Duration (h) b 3.33 9.77 5.89

Td is the doubling time calculated from Fig. 3. Phase fractions were determined, omitting those for cells with other ploidy in the cell population. Numbers in parentheses represent the fraction of the total cell population.


Phase duration was calculated using conventional equations (Watanabe & Okada 1967) employing the doubling time instead of the cycle time.