Fig 4. Striatum and decision accuracy.
A. Ventral striatal activity related to correct versus incorrect choices. The ventral striatal cluster survived cluster-level FWE correction at P < 0.05 and is displayed at an uncorrected statistical threshold of P < 0.001. B. Effect sizes for a 10-mm sphere around right ventral striatum peak voxel (mean ± SEM). Individuals being compared listed below with anchor in parentheses. A positive effect size indicates a positive BOLD correlation with correct choices. Asterisk marks significance at P < 0.05. C. Plot showing between-subject correlation for subjects’ ventral striatal fMRI signals with behavioral performance. Ventral striatal effects were for highest/lowest judgments versus proximity judgment trials (GLM2). Behavioral performance was taken from subjects’ performance on trials, where highest/lowest judgments could be used, versus their performance on trials where a proximity judgment could be used. Subjects who performed better for highest/lowest judgments exhibited increased ventral striatal activity for the same contrast. See S3 Data for subject data from B and C. BOLD, blood oxygen level-dependent; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging; GLM, general linear model.