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. 2019 May 2;14(5):e0215649. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0215649

Table 5. Distribution of readmission times according to sex during the first year.

Men Women Total Men Women Total
n % n % n % n % n % n %
<24h 1,078 2.91 445 4.19 1,523 3.19 209 0.26 80 0.42 289 0.29
24h 294 0.79 93 0.88 387 0.81 309 0.39 77 0.40 386 0.39
24-48h 39 1.05 117 1.10 508 1.07 689 0.87 169 0.88 858 0.87
2-3 days 412 1.11 136 1.28 548 1.15 928 1.18 213 1.11 1141 1.16
3-7 days 2,031 5.48 592 5.57 2,623 5.50 5,077 6.43 1,048 5.45 6,125 6.24
7-15 days 4,389 11.84 1,172 11.03 5,561 11.66 7,785 9.87 1,808 9.40 9,593 9.78
15-30 days 7,573 20.43 1,951 18.37 9,524 19.97 9,572 12.13 2,228 11.59 11,800 12.02
1-3 months 6 448 17.39 1,892 17.81 8,340 17.49 10,871 13.78 2,865 14.90 13,736 14.00
3-6 months 3,745 10.10 1,162 10.94 4,907 10.29 9,670 12.25 2,577 13.41 12,247 12.48
6-12 months 3,886 10.48 1,122 10.56 5,008 10.50 11,434 14.49 2,934 15.26 14,368 14.64
>1 year 6,826 18.41 1,939 18.26 8,765 18.38 22,367 28.34 5,225 27.18 27,592 28.12
Total 37,073 99.99 10,621 99.99 4,694 100 78,911 99.99 19,224 100 98,135 99.99