Slopes of best-fitting line relating SC to NC threshold parameters as a function of simulated sound field [see Fig. 7(A)]. Tests of statistical significant (with reference to unity slope) are also shown.
Sound field | Slope (SC α dB / NC α dB) | |
R0 | 0.8318 | t(35) = 0.8401, p = 0.2033 |
R1 | 0.8706 | t(33) = 0.5375, p = 0.2973 |
R2 | 0.4812 | t(40) = 3.2968, p = 0.0010 |
R3 | 0.4434 | t(20) = 3.5569, p = 0.0010 |
R4 | 0.8349 | t(24) = 0.9724, p = 0.1703 |