Figure 4.
Structural model of PA0847 GGDEF dimer. Notes: (A) Sequence alignment between PA0847 GGDEF domain and other DGCs of known structure. Secondary structure elements are indicated above the sequences. Key residues involved in binding GTP are highlighted in yellow and putative residues in inhibition sites are highlighted in grey. (B) Structural model of PA0847 GGDEF dimer in complex with GTPs and Mg2+. (C) GTP binding residues labeled and depicted as stick models. (D) c-di-GMP synthesis by wild type and GGDEF point mutants of PA0847. (E) Binding of c-di-GMP to PAS-GGDEF dual domain. (F) Structural comparison of GGDEF domains between PA0847 (green) and PleD (pink). Bulky residue Y700 was showed in stick. (G) Different phenotype of Escherichia coli with overexpressed wild type and mutants of PAS-GGDEF domains.