SNP heritability and genetic correlation estimates for iPSYCH indications. (A) Liability scale genetic restricted maximum likelihood (GREML) SNP-heritability estimates of iPSYCH indications according to Danish population lifetime risk. Significance determined by likelihood ratio test (LRT), one tailed p-value. Sample sizes and statistics in Supplementary Table 3. (B) Liability scale SNP-heritability estimates according to typical lifetime risk estimates for each disorder are estimated in iPSYCH and taken from external studies, using both GREML and LD-score regression (LDSC). Sample sizes and statistics in Supplementary Table 4. (C) LDSC SNP-based genetic correlations between iPSYCH and external studies for the same disorders. Significance determined by two-sided z-test. Sample sizes and statistics in Supplementary Table 5. (D) SNP-based genetic correlations among iPSYCH indications estimated via GREML and among external studies estimated via LDSC. For GREML, significance determined by one-sided LRT with sample sizes and statistics in Supplementary Table 6. For LDSC, significance determined by two-sided z-test with sample sizes and statistics in Supplementary Table 8. All error bars denote estimate standard errors of estimates. Bar color denotes data source and shading denotes estimation method. Star symbols denote significance after Bonferroni correction for 44 variance component estimates (p < 0.001). Cross symbols denote nominal significance (p < 0.05).XDX, cross-diagnosis; ADHD, attention-deficit, hyperactivity disorder; AFF, affective disorder; ANO, anorexia; ASD, autism-spectrum disorder; BIP, bipolar disorder; SCZ, schizophrenia; OTH, other indications not falling within individual disorder categories.