Figure 4. Dose Range Finding and Toxicity Studies.
Figure 4 shows initial dose range finding studies and fractionated dose toxicity studies with 212Pb-DOTAMTATE in athymic nude mice. A. Kaplan-Meier survival curve of 212Pb-DOTAMTATE treated athymic nude mice. Animals received a single dose of 10μCi (purple), 20μCi (blue), 40μCi (green), or 60μCi (red) of 212Pb-DOTAMTATE or PBS control (black). n=5 mice per group. Survival of the animals are shown in days post injection during the 4-week study. B. Kaplan-Meier curve of 212Pb-DOTAMTATE in CD-1 mice in a fractionated dose toxicity study. PBS alone, n=10 (black), 1 × 40μCi, n=10 (red), 2 × 20μCi, n=10 (green) and 3 ×15μCi, n=10 (blue) treatment groups. Drug cycles 1, 2 and 3 are shown with grey dots.