Figure 2.
Nanostraw membrane fabrication. (a) Two steps for the nanostraw fabrication: (1) electroless Au plating to track-etched polycarbonate (TEPC) membrane and (2) etching of top surface. (b–d) Optical images of 8-mm-diameter samples at different stages of nanostraw fabrication. TEPC membrane included size-controlled pores. In our experiments, 0.4-, 0.6-, and 1.0-μm-diameter pores were used. (b) Images of the original TEPC membrane facing up and down. (c) Au is plated on the TEPC membrane surfaces as well as the pore surfaces. (d) Top surface of Au membrane was etched by two steps: (1) Au surface etching with aqua regia, including nitric acid and hydrochloric acid, and (2) PC surface etching with O2 RIE. (e–h) The Au/TEPC nanostraws after RIE at 0 (e), 10 (f), 20 (g), and 30 min (h).