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. 2018 Mar 27;35(2):347–378. doi: 10.1007/s10680-018-9484-2

Table 4.

Microdata that have been used in the first step of the analysis

Outcome 1: Test scores Outcome 2: Academic versus vocational within upper secondary education Outcome 3: Completion of upper secondary education
Belgium PISA 2003 Matched observations from Belgian census of 1991 (parental education, social class, ethnicity) and 2001 (educational outcomes)
Britain Longitudinal Study (linked census and vital event data of 1% of population of England and Wales),1991–2001 Youth Cohort Study cohort 10 sweep1 (2000) Longitudinal Study 1991–2001
Canada Youth in Transition Survey 2000 N/A Youth in Transition Survey 2000
France Panel 95 (Secondary school cohort data)
Finland Linked register data (Statistics Finland) N/A
Germany PISA-E 2000 Microcensus 2005 (West-Germany) (1% probability sample) N/A
The Netherlands VOCL 1999 (Secondary school cohort data) Survey Integration of Minorities (SIM) 2006
Sweden STAR database (Linked register data)
Switzerland PISA 2000 N/A N/A
United States Educational Longitudinal Study 2002 N/A Educational Longitudinal Study 2002

N/A No data have been analyzed on this outcome for this country