Table 6.
Adapted QUADAS-2 score form
Signaling question | Signaling question | Risk of bias | Concerns about applicability |
Domain 1: Patient selection | |||
Was a consecutive or random sample of patients enrolled? | Did the study avoid inappropriate exclusions? | Could the selection of patients have introduced bias? | Are there concerns that the included patients and setting do not match the review question? |
Yes: If all consecutive or random samples of subjects were enrolled. No: If subjects were nonrandomly selected. Unclear: If sampling method was unclear. |
Yes: If there were no inappropriate exclusion criteria or patients were excluded with appropriate arguments. No: If subjects were excluded based on inappropriate criteria or with inappropriate arguments. Unclear: If selection criteria were unclear |
Low risk: If all signaling questions answered ‘yes’. High risk: If ‘no’ was reported for at least one signaling question, or if ‘unclear was reported for more than one signaling question. Unclear risk: If ‘unclear’ was reported for one signaling question. |
Low concern: If selected subjects matched the review question and inappropriate exclusions were avoided. High concern: If selected subjects differed from those in the review question. Unclear concern: If there was insufficient information on included subjects and setting. |
Domain 2: Index test | |||
Were the index test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the reference standard? | Physicians who performed the index test had appropriate training or the first patients were excluded for the learning curve. | Could the conduct or interpretation of the index test have introduced bias? | Are there concerns that the index test, its conduct, or interpretation differ from the review question? |
Yes: If the index test results were interpreted without knowledge of the histopathological analysis of surgical specimen or when surgical biopsy only was offered based on index test results. No: If the index test results were interpreted with knowledge of the histopathological analysis of surgical specimen. Unclear: If it was unclear whether index test results were interpreted independently of the histopathological analysis of surgical specimen. |
Yes: If an appropriate training for the physicians was defined or the first patients were excluded for the learning curve. No: If physicians had no appropriate training or no patients were excluded for the learning curve. Unclear: If it was unclear whether the physicians had an appropriate training or patients were excluded for the learning curve. |
Low risk: If all signaling questions answered ‘yes’. High risk: If ‘no’ was reported for at least one signaling question, or if ‘unclear was reported for more than one signaling question. Unclear risk: If ‘unclear’ was reported for one signaling question. |
Low concern: If the index test was performed as described in the review question. High concern: If the index test differed from those specified in the review question. Unclear concern: If there was insufficient information available |
Domain 3: Reference standard | |||
Is the reference standard likely to correctly classify the target condition? | Were patients who did not receive the reference standard specified? | Could the reference standard, its conduct, or its interpretation have introduced bias? | Are there concerns that the target condition as defined by the reference standard does not match the review question? |
Yes: All patients received histopathological analysis of surgical specimen. No: Some or all patients received any other reference standard or no reference standard. Unclear: Reference standard is not stated. |
Yes: If the reference standard was recommended for all malignant lesions and High Risk lesions, but was refrained with appropriate arguments. No: If the reference standard was not offered or without appropriate arguments. Unclear: Exclusions were not stated. |
Low risk: If all signaling questions answered ‘yes’. High risk: If ‘no’ was reported for at least one signaling question, or if ‘unclear was reported for more than one signaling question. Unclear risk: If ‘unclear’ was reported for one signaling question. |
Low concern: If pathological analysis of surgical specimen or mammographic follow-up was used. High concern: If pathological analysis of surgical specimen or mammographic follow-up was not used. Unclear concern: If insufficient information was provided in the report. |
Domain 4: Flow and timing | |||
Did all patients receive the reference standard? | Were all patients included in the analysis? | Could the patient flow have introduced bias? | |
Yes: If all eligible subjects with a malignant lesion or high risk lesion received surgical biopsy. No: If not all eligible subjects received the reference standard. Unclear: If this was not clear from the report. |
Yes: If all subjects recruited to the study with reference standard results were included in the analysis. No: If not all recruited subjects with reference standard results were included in the analysis. Unclear: If this was unclear from the report |
Low risk: If all signaling questions answered „yes. High risk: If ‘no’ was reported for at least one signaling question, or if ‘unclear was reported for more than one signaling question. Unclear risk: If ‘unclear’ was reported for one signaling question. |