Figure 2.
Estimated diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus third-dose (DPT3) vaccine coverage in Africa, 2000–16
(A–C) DPT3 coverage among children aged 12–23 months with a 5 × 5 km resolution in 2000, 2010, and 2016. (D) Model uncertainty in 2016; model uncertainty is displayed by use of the Coffey-Feingold-Bromberg metric (CFB), a measure of uncertainty that is comparable regardless of mean coverage and scales from 0% (no uncertainty) to 100% (highest possible uncertainty for a given mean). Results are masked in grey in areas where total population density was less than ten individuals per 1 × 1 km pixel in 2015 per WorldPop37 estimates, or where land cover was classified as “barren or sparsely vegetated” on the basis of MODIS38 satellite data in 2013. No data were available for Cape Verde, Libya, and South Africa.