FIG 4.
Thermal stability of purified E2011A (A), R2018A (B), and H3141A (C) mutant empty capsids containing charged-to-neutral (Ala) substitutions at the interpentamer interfaces (filled circles) relative to that of the wt empty capsid control (open circles). The percentages of intact capsids remaining after different incubation times in a representative experiment at 42°C are indicated in each case. Data were fitted to exponential decay processes, and the dissociation rate constants were obtained. The gray curve was obtained using the control wt capsid. (D) Ratios between the rate constant obtained for each mutant (kmut) and the rate constant obtained for the wt control (kwt). Values are averages and standard deviations obtained from 2 (E2011A and R2018A) or 4 (H3141A) independent experiments.