FIG 2.
Drug levels in ART-treated HIV-infected humanized mice. (A) Ten humanized mice were infected with NL4-3-HA, and virus levels in blood were monitored by qRT-PCR over time. The shaded area is the LOD, i.e., 1,500 HIV-1 RNA copies/ml. After 11 weeks, mice were put on oral ART (FTC, TDF, RAL, or DRV) and necropsied 6 to 11 weeks later when the plasma viremia was below the LOD or due to animal health issues (n = 2). Drug concentrations in plasma (B) and in the indicated tissues (C to F) were determined by mass spectrometry at the time of necropsy. LN, lymph nodes. Error bars represent the standard errors of the mean (SEM). The horizontal gray lines in panel B represent the Cmin values for human plasma.