FIG 6.
Binding specificities of vaccine-elicited antibodies in rabbits and rhesus macaques (RM). (A) Heat map representing results of HIV-Env-specific IgG binding antibody multiplex assay (BAMA) performed with rabbit and RM serum samples collected 3 weeks after completion of the vaccine regimens (week 19). The percent binding was calculated for each animal by dividing the MFI measured for each antigen by the sum of the total MFIs measured for all antigens. Comparisons of gp70case A2 V1V2 (B), C1 biotin (C), and C5.2 biotin (D) binding antibody responses in rabbit and RM week 19 sera as measured by BAMA. (E) Comparison of CD4 binding site antibody levels in rabbit and RM week 19 sera as determined by soluble CD4 blocking ELISA. (F) Comparison of cluster A antibody levels in rabbit and RM week 19 sera as determined by cluster A blocking assay. In panels B to F, open symbols represent animals that received the systemic i.m./i.m. vaccine regimen, and filled symbols represent animals that received the mucosal i.n./i.m.+i.n. vaccine regimen. Medians are indicated with horizontal lines, and error bars indicate the interquartile ranges. P values were calculated by Wilcoxon rank sum tests, with correction for multiple comparisons in panels B to D.