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. 2019 Apr 26;12:1341–1351. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S190231

Table 3.

Subgroup analysis in patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy

ALC Placebo
Subgroup (diabetes) Baseline Reduction Reduction % N Baseline Reduction Reduction % N MD % (95% CI)
De Grandis, 2002 −1.93±2.09 −39.4±42.7 95 −0.35±1.10 −7.7±24.2 104 −31.7 (−41.5; −21.9)
Sima UC, 2005 5.99±2.41 −2.55±2.87 −42.6±48.0 70 5.04±2.19 −0.97±3.11 −19.3±61.7 48 −23.3 (−44.1; −2.5)
Sima UCE, 2005 5.69±2.69 −2.17±3.46 −38.2±60.8 58 5.32±2.60 −1.45±2.75 −27.3±51.7 61 −11.0 (−31.3; 9.4)
Pooled analysis 223 213 −24.6 (−36.8; −12.4)

Notes: Test for heterogeneity: τ2=50.28; χ2=3.40, df=2 (P=0.18); I2=41.2%. Test for overall effect: Z =3.95 (P<0.0001). Test for subgroup differences: χ2=2.31, df=1 (P=0.13); I2=56.7%. Results are expressed as mean ± SD. Heterogeneity indexes: χ2, τ2, I2.

Abbreviation: ALC, acetyl-L-carnitine.