NADH DH is important for survival in a minimal aerobic medium. (A and B) Turbidities of cultures grown in a minimal aerobic medium (ZYMM) after gentle vortexing (5 s, level 3) (filled bars) and after dispersion of flocs by harsh vortexing (10 pulses, level 10) (open bars). Cultures were inoculated from colonies (A) or from harshly vortexed cultures from panel A (B). Shaded circles indicate the same culture pre- and postdispersion. Y, visual observation of flocs; N, no flocs observed. An asterisk indicates a significant difference from the corresponding filled bar (*, P < 0.1) by one-way analysis of variance with Sidak’s multiple-comparison posttest. (C) CFU from panel B cultures that were plated onto PYG agar. Bars with different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05) as determined by one-way analysis of variance with Sidak’s multiple-comparison posttest. Error bars, standard deviations. EV, empty vector pSRKTc; comp, complementation vector pSRKTc-Ndh.