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. 2015 Dec 10;5(2):113–119. doi: 10.1007/s13691-015-0239-1

Table 1.

Ten reported cases of CDX2-positive thymic adenocarcinoma

Ref. no. Age/sex Histological type Immunohistochemistry Serum CEA
1 41/M NOS + + + N/A
39/F Mucinous + + + + + N/A
6 59/F Tubular Focal + + + + N/A +
7 41/M Mucinous Focal + + + Focal + + N/A
8 52/F Mucinous + + + +
38/M Mucinous + + + Focal + + +
55/M Mucinous + + Focal + + +
9 36/F Mucinous + + Focal + + N/A N/A
10 55/M Papillotubular + + Focal + + N/A
11 28/F Mucinous Focal + + + + N/A
Current case 59/M NOS + + + + +
Ref. no. Age/sex Histological type Primary therapy Therapy for metastasis or recurrence
Primary surgery Adjuvant CTx Adjuvant RT Outcome Lesion Treatment outcome
1 41/M NOS Yes None None Alive without disease after 18 months
39/F Mucinous Yes None None 2 recurrences Mediastinal Surgery Alive 159 months after diagnosis
6 59/F Tubular Yes Yes (Palliative chemoradiotherapy and radiotherapy, no detail) Lung and bone (at diagnosis) No detail Alive with aggravated bone and lung metastases after 11 months of follow-up
7 41/M Mucinous Yes Yes (No detail) Yes 2 recurrences No detail Surgery Alive without disease 1 year after 2nd surgery
8 52/F Mucinous Yes Yes (CDDP + ETP) Yes Recurrence at 7 months Lung and cervical lymph nodes CBDCA + PTX Alive 4 months after recurrence
38/M Mucinous Yes Yes (CBDCA + DTX) Yes Recurrence Bone, malignant pleural and pericardial effusions No detail Died 12 months after initial diagnosis
55/M Mucinous Yes Yes (CBDCA + DTX) Yes Recurrence Lung, sacrum, liver, right adrenal gland and mediastinal lymph nodes Weekly PTX, CPT-11 Died 24 months after initial diagnosis
9 36/F Mucinous Yes Yes (CDDP + PTX) Yes Recurrence at 1 year Lung with malignant pleural effusion No detail Died 3 months after recurrence
10 55/M Papillotubular Yes None Yes Alive in 14 months after surgery
11 28/F Mucinous Yes None None 2 recurrences over 2 years’ follow-up No detail GEMOX and RT Alive without disease 6 months after treatment
Current case 59/M NOS None Bone (at diagnosis) CapeOX, FOLFIRI + cetuximab Died 6 months after diagnosis

CBDCA carboplatin, CDDP cisplatin, CTx chemotherapy, DTX docetaxel, ETP etoposide, GEMOX gemcitabine and oxaliplatin, N/A not assessed, NOS not otherwise specified, PTX paclitaxel, RT radiotherapy