Fig. 1.
ATAC-seq analysis of lens fibers and lens epithelium. a Schematic diagram of embryonic E14.5 and newborn (P0.5) lens morphology. b Circos plot of global chromatin accessibility in all ATAC-seq samples (mean read counts inside peaks from biological replicates normalized by all read numbers inside all peaks). The arrows mark some genes with highest peaks in E14.5 fibers. c ATAC-seq signal tracks of the genes marked in panel b. d Pie charts show the genomic distributions of peaks. e Principal component analysis of the top 500 peaks with the biggest variance across 8 samples. The arrows show lens fiber cell differentiation (E14.5 epithelium (epi) → E14.5 fibers → P0.5 fibers) and epithelium maturation (E14.5 epi → P0.5 epi) paths. f Heat maps show the read densities of lens, forebrain, liver, and ESCs ATAC-seq data within ± 5 kb from the centers of differential accessible regions (DARs) which are from the pairwise comparison. Epi and fiber represent epithelial and fiber cells