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. 2019 Apr 26;13:385. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.00385



(A–C) Estimated SNRs for EAP and LFP signals from hippocampal neurons. To estimate the SNR, the dependence of the main parameters on electrode size was considered: spatial-averaging effect; the effect of being at the right spot; signal-attenuation due to the impedance ratio (Zel/Za); and noise – both thermal noise of electrode and background activity. The background activity level played a pivotal role in determining the optimal electrode size in both, the EAP and LFP band. Colored bands indicate the SNR levels at different levels of background activity (lower bound of the band is for 8 μVrms, upper bound at 1 μVrms and the median at 3 μVrms). For an axonal branch (A), small electrodes (size < 16 × 16 μm) show peak SNRs. But for somatic or dendritic signals (B), a medium-size electrode (size 8 × 8 μm2 – 30 × 30 μm2) were observed to be optimal. LFP signals generally feature high SNRs (C), and electrodes down to 16 × 16 μm2 size provide good SNR for all LFP signals. (D) The table summarizes the effects of electrode size on EAP and LFP recording for hippocampal neurons.