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. 2018 Oct 31;29(4):288–297. doi: 10.1093/glycob/cwy093

Table I.

Conserved sequence motifs involved in substrate recognition and catalysis

Organism C. lari A. fulgidus S. cerevisiae H. sapiens H. sapiens
Protein PglBa AglBa STT3a STT3A STT3B
Sequon bindingb
 –2 position R331 L379 D362 D363 D417
 −1 position T54 G45 E45 E47 E101
WWD motif
 +2 position W463 W550 W516 W525 W604
 +2 position W464 W551 W517 W526 W605
 +2 position D465 D552 D518 D527 D606
DK/MI motif
 +2 position I572 K618 K586 K595 K674
 Active site
 Mn++, Asn D56 D47 D47 D49 D103
 Mn++ D154 D161 D166 D167 D221
 Mn++ D156 H163 E168 E169 E351
 Mn++, Asn E319 E360 E350 E351 E405
LLO binding
 PPi Y196 W215 W208 W209 W263
 PPi R375 R426 R404 R405 R459
 NAc Y468 H555 Y521 Y530 Y609
 DGGK loop D481GGK N568PFQ D534NNT D543NNT D662NNT

aResidues and motifs in italics have been shown to be important for oligosaccharyltransferase activity in one or more of the following publications: PglB (Wacker et al. 2002; Lizak et al. 2011; Gerber et al. 2013; Barre et al. 2017; Napiorkowska et al. 2017); AglB (Matsumoto et al. 2013); yeast STT3 (Yan and Lennarz 2002b; Chavan et al. 2003; Li et al. 2005; Igura et al. 2008; Wild et al. 2018).

bThe positions shown (−2, −1 and +2) are relative to the asparagine residue in a glycosylation site. PglB, AglB and STT3 residues involved in binding the asparagine residue in the sequon are listed in the active site section of this table.