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. 2019 Apr 29;149(5):816–823. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxy318


Dietary phosphorus intake, urinary excretion, and percentage excretion at the end of the intervention in adults randomly assigned to consume the control, fruits and vegetables, or DASH diet1

Control Fruits and vegetables DASH
Crude Adjusted2 Crude Adjusted2 Crude Adjusted2
n 126 121 131 122 130 123
Dietary phosphorus intake, mg/d
 Composite sample 1176 (1119, 1233)c 1172 (1154, 1190)c 1408 (1352, 1464)b 1419 (1401, 1437)b 2051 (1994, 2107)a 2065 (2047, 2083)a
 Nutrient database 1158 (1108, 1207)b 1155 (1142, 1168)c 1191 (1143, 1239)b 1200 (1188, 1213)b 1755 (1707, 1804)a 1768 (1755, 1780)a
Urinary phosphorus excretion, mg/d 734 (682, 787)b 728 (683, 773)b 705 (654, 756)b 709 (664, 754)b 872 (820, 923)a 862 (817, 907)a
Urinary phosphorus excretion, % of intake
 Composite sample 63 (60, 67)a 63 (60, 66)a 51 (48, 54)b 51 (48, 54)b 43 (39, 46)c 42 (39, 45)c
 Nutrient database 64 (61, 68)a 64 (61, 67)a 60 (57, 64)a 60 (57, 64)a 50 (46, 53)b 49 (45, 52)b

1Values are means (95% CIs). DASH, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.

2Adjusted for age, black race, sex, serum 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol, BMI, study center, and calorie intake. Means within a row and adjustment category without a common letter differ, P < 0.05.