Forest Plot of Unadjusted Hazard of Mortality or Nonfatal HF Events by Treatment Group (CRT-D vs. ICD) According to Comorbidities
The hazard ratio (HR) for death or HF is plotted for each comorbidity independently. In nearly all cases, CRT-D is statistically favored. In those cases in which the 95% CI crosses unity, there is a clear trend favoring CRT-D. There is no interaction of any single comorbidity with the treatment assignment (ICD vs. CRT-D) with respect to the outcome of HF or death (interaction p > 0.50 for all). AA = atrial arrhythmia; CI = confidence interval; GFR = glomerular filtration rate; Pts = patients; VA = ventricular arrhythmia; other abbreviations as in Figure 1.