Figure 14.
RFK-1 is related to NCU07086. (A) All known rfk-1 mutations alter the predicted amino acid sequence of RFK-1. (B) A coding region of 2105 bp is predicted for gene ncu07086 (from start codon to stop codon, including introns). Predicted introns are labeled I1 through I4. An AtpF superfamily domain (National Center for Biotechnology Information conserved domain database, accession number cl28522) can be identified within the N-terminal end of the NCU07086 protein sequence. (C) The first 39 amino acids of RFK-1 and NCU07086 are similar. (D) The repetitive sequence identified within AH36 (see Figure 6) appears to have originated from within the first intron of ncu07086. To highlight the expansion of the 46–48 repeat within the first intron of rfk-1 relative to the first intron of ncu07086, the 5′ end (84 bases) of ncu07086’s intron 1 was manually aligned to the 5′ end (368 bases) of rfk-1’s intron 1.