Figure 5.
Persistent heterosis in tuber size is independent of maturity in potato. (A) Comparison of tuber size among a commercial tetraploid cultivar (left), a high-yielding diploid clone (middle), and a low-yielding diploid clone (right). Bar, 2.54 cm (1 inch). (B) Ordered yield BLUPs across the F1 population, the parental genotypes, and tetraploid cultivars. Orange bars indicate the two parental genotypes. Blue bars represent the commercial tetraploid cultivars. Green bars indicate clones with below-average yield BLUP values. Purple bars represent clones with above-average yield BLUP values. (C) Pairwise correlations between maturity and yield components. A linear regression model is plotted as a red line in pairwise comparisons. Early- and late-growing labels are assigned to clones as purple and orange colors, respectively. Significance denoted as * P < 5.0e−10, ** P < 5.0e−20, and *** P < 5.0e−50. BLUP, best linear unbiased prediction.