A phylogenetic tree based on protein sequences of MTP family members of grape, rice, and Arabidopsis, and constructed using the neighbor-joining (NJ) method and MEGA 5.2 software. The identified proteins were classified into three sub-families (Fe/Zn-MTPs, Mn-MTPs, and Zn-MTPs) and seven groups based upon previous reports and their phylogenetic relationships. The Zn-MTP sub-family (red line) contains 1: MTP1 to MTP4 (blue), 5: MTP5 (yellow), and 12: MTP12 (green) groups; the Mn-CDF sub-family (blue line) contains 8: MTP8 (gray), and 9: MTP9 to MTP11 (violet) groups; the Zn/Fe-CDF sub-family (yellow line) contains 6: MTP6 (pink), and 7: MTP7 (light blue) groups. Bootstrap values are indicated (1000 replicates)