Table 1.
Clusters | Size | t value | x | y | z | Area |
Right cerebellar cluster | 1630 | 10.41 | 14 | − 46 | − 22 | Lobule V (Hem) |
9.38 | 24 | − 46 | − 28 | Lobule VI (Hem) | ||
9.21 | 4 | − 62 | − 26 | Lobule VI (Verm) | ||
6.61 | 6 | − 68 | − 38 | Lobule VIIIa (Verm) | ||
4.66 | 22 | − 58 | − 50 | Lobule VIIIb (Hem) | ||
Left M1 cluster | 754 | 8.11 | − 34 | − 26 | 60 | Area 4a |
5.43 | − 32 | − 24 | 72 | Precentral gyrus | ||
5.07 | − 20 | − 26 | 78 | Postcentral gyrus | ||
Left thalamic cluster | 200 | 6.45 | − 16 | − 22 | 4 | Thalamus |
Left medial frontal cluster | 227 | 5.61 | − 6 | − 20 | 50 | CMA |
Uncorrected height threshold, p < 0.001; extent threshold, p < 0.05, FWE-corrected in the entire brain. Size = number of active voxels. For anatomical identification of peaks, we only considered cytoarchitectonic areas available in the Anatomy toolbox that had > 30% probabilities. The cytoarchitectonic area with the highest probability was reported for each peak. When no cytoarchitectonic area with a > 30% probability was available to determine a peak, we provided the anatomical location of the peak. In each cluster, we reported peaks that were more than 8 mm apart in the descending T-value order. To facilitate visualization, we avoided reporting a peak for each cluster when it was identified in the cytoarchitectonic area or anatomical structure already reported for a peak with a higher t value
Hem hemisphere, Verm vermis, CMA cingulate motor area