Table 1.
Primary care type problem | A condition that a typical general practitioner in a typical general practice would be expected to manage. |
Streaming | A system, following brief clinical assessment, to allocate patients to the most appropriate healthcare provider within the emergency department setting.122 |
Triage | Identifying acuity and prioritising patients on that basis.122 |
Redirection | ‘Sending people away’ to an appropriate off-site or separately managed service.122 |
Context (C) | Pre-existing conditions which influence the success or failure of different interventions or programmes.21 123 |
Mechanism (M) | The intervention and people’s reaction to it; how does it influence their reasoning?21 123 |
Outcome (O) | Intended and unintended results as a result of a mechanism operating within a context.21 123 |
Initial theory | An early theory informed by available evidence describing why, how and for whom the intervention is thought to work using a context–mechanism–outcome configuration.21 123 |
Refined theory | An initial theory that has been refined using primary or secondary evidence.21 123 |