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. 2019 Apr 20;9(4):e023036. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023036

Table 2.

Results from multilevel regression of positive and negative social supports and income on depressive symptom score in Korean urban adults

Null Model 1† Model 2† Model 3† Model 4‡ Model 5‡ Model 6‡
Coeff. SE Coeff. SE Coeff. SE Coeff. SE Coeff. SE Coeff. SE Coeff. SE
Individual-level variables
<100 (Korean 10 000 Won)§
 100≤income <300 −1.46*** 0.15 −2.25*** 0.35 −2.26*** 0.40
 300≤income <600 −1.98*** 0.17 −3.69*** 0.68 −3.70*** 0.78
 600<income −2.40*** 0.23 −5.04*** 1.02 −5.05*** 1.18
Positive social support (low level)
 Medium −2.73*** 0.28 −2.38*** 0.27 −2.18*** 0.26 −1.72*** 0.35 −1.72*** 0.41
 High −6.69*** 0.23 −5.54*** 0.23 −5.21*** 0.23 −4.66*** 0.54 −4.66*** 0.67
Negative social support (low level)
 Medium 5.14*** 0.17 4.67*** 0.16 4.63*** 0.16 8.02*** 0.16 8.02*** 0.51
 High 9.29*** 0.26 8.18*** 0.26 8.04*** 0.26 14.03*** 0.26 14.03*** 0.94
Positive social support × negative social support −0.92*** 0.15 −0.92*** 0.15
Positive social support × income 0.47*** 0.12 0.47*** 0.12
Negative social support × income −0.38** 0.13 −0.38** 0.13
Community-level variables
 The share of the employed 7.19 4.07
 Mean income level −4.73 4.61
 Mean education level 6.98 6.39
Community-level variance 4.84*** 3.48** 1.33 3.00** 1.15 2.45** 0.93 2.61** 0.10 2.59** 1.03 1.90** 0.73
Intraclass Correlation (ICC) 0.09* 0.08* 0.07* 0.06* 0.06* 0.06* 0.05*
R-squared¶ (level 1/level 2) 0.09/0.23 0.13/0.33 0.17/0.46 0.18/0.42 0.18/0.40 0.19/0.58

Number of observations are 21 208 in all models.




†Adjusted for only demographic variables including marital status, age and gender.

‡Adjusted for both demographic and socioeconomic status variables including marital status, age, gender, job status and education level.

§US$1 ≒ 1128 Korea Won.

¶R-squared proposed by Snijders and Bosker.