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. 2019 Apr 20;9(4):e026645. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026645

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of anticoagulant-naive patients with atrial fibrillation initiating oral anticoagulants in 2015–2016

Characteristics (N; %*) NOAC VKA n=65 010
n=54 456
n=64 300
Total NOAC
n=1 27 841
NOAC: reduced doses 5652 (62.2) 19 429 (35.7) 26 003 (40.4) 51 084 (40.0) NA
Female sex 4546 (50.0) 26 147 (48.0) 33 375 (51.9) 64 068 (50.1) 33 865 (52.1)
Age (years), mean (SD) 74.1 (11.6) 72.8 (11.9) 75.3 (11.3) 74.1 (11.6) 78.0 (11.3)
 18–54 548 (6.0) 4007 (7.4) 3172 (4.9) 7727 (6.0) 2361 (3.6)
 55–64 1117 (12.3) 7651 (14.0) 7117 (11.1) 15 885 (12.4) 5680 (8.7)
 65–74 2514 (27.7) 16 057 (29.5) 16 645 (25.9) 35 216 (27.5) 12 969 (19.9)
 75–79 1554 (17.1) 9053 (16.6) 10 692 (16.6) 21 299 (16.7) 9587 (14.7)
 ≥80 3352 (36.9) 17 688 (32.5) 26 674 (41.5) 47 714 (37.3) 34 413 (52.9)
 ≥90 493 (5.4) 2559 (4.7) 4654 (7.2) 7706 (6.0) 8399 (12.9)
Deprivation index
 Quintile 1 (least deprived) 1394 (15.3) 10 265 (18.9) 11 266 (17.5) 22 925 (17.9) 10 263 (15.8)
 Quintile 2 1586 (17.5) 10 678 (19.6) 12 496 (19.4) 24 760 (19.4) 11 884 (18.3)
 Quintile 3 1780 (19.6) 10 701 (19.7) 12 799 (19.9) 25 280 (19.8) 12 811 (19.7)
 Quintile 4 1917 (21.1) 10 794 (19.8) 13 142 (20.4) 25 853 (20.2) 14 272 (22.0)
 Quintile 5 (most deprived) 2113 (23.3) 11 172 (20.5) 13 825 (21.5) 27 110 (21.2) 14 699 (22.6)
 Overseas departments 295 (3.2) 846 (1.6) 772 (1.2) 1913 (1.5) 1081 (1.7)
First prescriber’s specialty
 Hospital practitioner 3720 (40.9) 22 905 (42.1) 29 316 (45.6) 55 941 (43.8) 39 083 (60.1)
 General practitioner 2062 (22.7) 11 145 (20.5) 11 590 (18.0) 24 797 (19.4) 15 539 (23.9)
 Private cardiologist 3093 (34.0) 18 978 (34.9) 21 843 (34.0) 43 914 (34.4) 8511 (13.1)
 Private orthopaedic surgeon 16 (0.2) 100 (0.2) 95 (0.1) 211 (0.2) 73 (0.1)
 Other private specialist 168 (1.8) 1149 (2.1) 1276 (2.0) 2593 (2.0) 1583 (2.4)
CHA2DS2-VASc score†
 Mean score (SD) 3.7 (1.6) 3.5 (1.6) 3.9 (1.6) 3.7 (1.6) 4.5 (1.6)
 0 183 (2.0) 1294 (2.4) 847 (1.3) 2324 (1.8) 309 (0.5)
 1 635 (7.0) 4854 (8.9) 3637 (5.7) 9126 (7.1) 1607 (2.5)
 ≥2 8267 (91.0) 48 308 (88.7) 59 816 (93.0) 1 16 391 (90.1) 63 094 (97.0)
 C (heart failure) 2849 (31.4) 17 805 (32.7) 23 548 (36.6) 44 202 (34.6) 32 727 (50.3)
 H (antihypertensive drugs) 7547 (83.1) 44 260 (81.3) 54 596 (84.9) 106 403 (83.2) 59 139 (91.0)
 D(iabetes) 1959 (21.6) 11 279 (20.7) 14 087 (21.9) 27 325 (21.4) 18 806 (28.9)
 S(troke: ATE) 1207 (13.3) 4930 (9.1) 8448 (13.1) 14 585 (11.4) 10 638 (16.4)
 V(ascular diseases) 2242 (24.7) 13 924 (25.6) 18 766 (29.2) 34 932 (27.3) 28 894 (44.4)
Age ≥75 and arterial thromboembolic events† 769 (8.5) 3126 (5.7) 5608 (8.7) 9503 (7.4) 7762 (11.9)
Age <65 and no arterial thromboembolic events† 1510 (16.6) 11 074 (20.3) 9396 (14.6) 21 980 (17.2) 7035 (10.8)
HAS-BLED score†
 Mean score (SD) 2.0 (0.9) 1.9 (0.9) 2.1 (0.9) 2.0 (0.9) 2.7 (1.0)
 ≥3 2169 (23.9) 11 388 (20.9) 16 834 (26.2) 30 391 (23.8) 36 417 (56.0)
  Renal function 345 (3.8) 2426 (4.5) 3822 (5.9) 6593 (5.2) 14 260 (21.9)
  Liver function 169 (1.9) 967 (1.8) 1106 (1.7) 2242 (1.8) 2372 (3.6)
  Predisposition 182 (2.0) 1161 (2.1) 1605 (2.5) 2948 (2.3) 5873 (9.0)
  Major bleeding 692 (7.6) 3729 (6.8) 5134 (8) 9555 (7.5) 9348 (14.4)
  Alcohol abuse‡ 272 (3.0) 1698 (3.1) 1730 (2.7) 3700 (2.9) 2923 (4.5)
  Drug–drug interactions 947 (10.4) 5838 (10.7) 7570 (11.8) 14 355 (11.2) 23 451 (36.1)
   Parenteral anticoagulant (heparin) 64 (0.7) 331 (0.6) 361 (0.6) 756 (0.6) 9824 (15.1)
   Antiplatelet drugs 826 (9.1) 5225 (9.6) 6951 (10.8) 13 002 (10.2) 15 433 (23.7)
   NSAIDs 72 (0.8) 365 (0.7) 344 (0.5) 781 (0.6) 212 (0.3)
Other comorbidities†
 Ischaemic heart disease 1821 (20.0) 11 321 (20.8) 15 439 (24.0) 28 581 (22.4) 23 657 (36.4)
 Frailty (proxies) 1666 (18.3) 8971 (16.5) 12 730 (19.8) 23 367 (18.3) 24 175 (37.2)
 Dementia or Parkinson’s disease 524 (5.8) 3204 (5.9) 4125 (6.4) 7853 (6.1) 7437 (11.4)
 Psychiatric disorders 1722 (19.0) 10 593 (19.5) 12 844 (20.0) 25 159 (19.7) 16 598 (25.5)
 Smoking‡ 1024 (11.3) 6481 (11.9) 7442 (11.6) 14 947 (11.7) 11 434 (17.6)
 Antiarrhythmics or cardiac glycosides 5996 (66.0) 35 761 (65.7) 41 031 (63.8) 82 788 (64.8) 35 600 (54.8)
 Lipid-lowering agents 3913 (43.1) 22 250 (40.9) 28 812 (44.8) 54 975 (43.0) 31 903 (49.1)
 Oral corticosteroids 1105 (12.2) 6964 (12.8) 8079 (12.6) 16 148 (12.6) 8967 (13.8)
 Antiulcer agents 4295 (47.3) 24 842 (45.6) 31 469 (48.9) 60 606 (47.4) 39 842 (61.3)
 Polymedication (≥5 ATC classes) 3750 (41.3) 21 725 (39.9) 28 196 (43.9) 53 671 (42.0) 45 153 (69.5)
 Polymedication (≥10 ATC classes) 738 (8.1) 4653 (8.5) 6246 (9.7) 11 637 (9.1) 14 947 (23.0)

*Unless otherwise stated.

†Comorbidities were defined using a rolling 1-year period following the initiation of OAC therapy.

‡Smoking or alcohol data: measured by using proxies such as reimbursements for specific therapy or hospitalisations related to smoking or alcohol consumption/diseases.

§Comorbidities were defined using a rolling 4-month period preceding the initiation of OAC therapy.

ATC, Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification; ATE, arterial thromboembolic events (ischaemic stroke, arterial systemic embolism or transient ischaemic attack); NOAC, non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant; NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; VKA, vitamin K antagonist.