Antimycin A-induced Ca2+ responses in vagal sensory neurons is mediated by TRPA1 and TRPV1. A–C, Mean +/− SEM [Ca2+]i responses of the total vagal population to antimycin A (10μM), AITC (100μM), capsaicin (1μM) and KCl (75mM) from TRPV1Cre/+/ROSA26-tdTomatofl/+ mice (Control, black line). A, Mean +/− SEM [Ca2+]i responses in control vagal neurons pretreated with A967079 (5μM, dark red line) or in vagal neurons from TRPA1−/− mice (TRPA1 KO, red line). B, Mean +/− SEM [Ca2+]i responses in control vagal neurons pretreated with I-RTX (500nM, dark green line) or in vagal neurons from TRPV1−/− mice (TRPV1 KO, green line). C, Mean +/− SEM [Ca2+]i responses in control vagal neurons pretreated with I-RTX and A967079 (dark grey line) or in vagal neurons from TRPA1−/− mice (A1KO) pretreated with I-RTX (grey line) or in vagal neurons from TRPV1−/− mice (V1KO) pretreated with A967079 (light grey line). D, Mean maximal [Ca2+]i response to antimycin A for the total vagal population under each condition. E, percentage of total vagal population responding to antimycin A under each condition. F, Mean maximal [Ca2+]i response to antimycin A of ‘responding’ neurons under each condition. * denotes significant difference from control neurons (p<0.05), # denotes significant difference from inhibition/knockout of a single TRP channel (p<0.05), ns denotes no significant difference.