Histograms of maximal antimycin A-evoked Ca2+ responses in vagal sensory neurons. A, TRPV1Cre/+/ROSA26-tdTomatofl/+ neurons (Control). B, Control neurons pretreated with A967079 (5μM). C, Control neurons pretreated with I-RTX (500nM). D, Control neurons pretreated with A967079 and I-RTX. E, TRPA1−/− neurons. F, TRPA1−/− neurons pretreated with I-RTX. G, TRPV1−/− neurons. H, TRPV1−/− neurons pretreated with A967079. In A–E and G–H, Non-nociceptor in grey columns, non-responding nociceptor in green, responding nociceptor in red. In F, non-responding neuron in black, responding neuron in red.