Figure 14.
Optically induced compartments. (A) In the LARIAT method,242 AtCIB1 is conjugated to a multimeric scaffold protein such that upon BL-induced association with AtCRY2 clusters formed. Proteins of interest (POI) can be sequestered into said clusters either via direct coupling to AtCRY2 or via adapter proteins. For clarity, not all AtCRY2 molecules are shown with attached POI. The related LINC approach52 does away with AtCIB1 and instead exploits the ability of AtCRY2 to form homooligomers upon BL absorption. (B) The BL-induced clustering of AtCRY2 also underpins a strategy for optogenetically controlling ribonucleoprotein (RNP) droplets.66 To this end, AtCRY2 was fused to the unstructured RNA-binding protein FUS to allow light-induced liquid-liquid phase transition and formation of RNP droplets.